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I wander aimlessly through the dimly lit forest with no recollection of my whereabouts. My mind is fuzzy and my thoughts are unclear, causing my vision to fade in and out like a pulsing heartbeat. It's as though I'm intoxicated, unable to properly coordinate my body and mind. Suddenly, a misstep entangles my foot in a branch, propelling me into an uncontrollable descent down the nearby slope until I meet the soft embrace of the grass below with a resounding thud as I land next to a serene pond surrounded by towering weeds.

As I gather my senses, I am confronted by a chilling sight; a stranger in the water, staring right back at me. The first thing I noticed is the smooth reddish skin and the shaggy black hair with blood red ends which caress the head. Pointed ears tilt at the sounds of the wilderness. There are horns jutting out of the forehead and each pupil is a different colour, one white and one red, due the scar that stretches across the left eye. Instead of a soft white, a deep black consumes the sclera. Startled, I turn my attention to the lower half of the face, a mouth stretched wide across it, the jagged edges oozing blood. The twisted grin reveals an array of yellowed teeth, yet they look clean. This stranger looks like something straight out of a nightmare, or better yet...Hell. Frightened, I back away with my arms raised to protect my face as if they were going to pounce.

Who was that?

I blink once, then twice before realizing that the stranger in the water was my reflection. I freeze, staring at nothing for a moment with an empty and confused mind, before reluctantly dragging my gaze back to the water's image with dread sewn into my gut. 

But...this isn't my face. It can't be, I don't recognize it...

My hands tremble and my breath gets caught in my throat as panic rises in my chest. Why can't I recognize myself? Horror seeps into my veins as I quickly scan my reflection.

Shocked, I put a hand up to my face to feel it. Sure enough, it feels like the way the face in the water looks. The metal covering my fore-arms glint in the moonlight. 

"This isn't me," I whisper in disbelief., " this isn't what I look like!"

I may not recognize my face, but for some reason I do recognize my voice. Am I in a different body? Why can't I remember what I looked like before?

I'm terrified and I'm panicking. My heart beats rapidly and my breathing pattern isn't what it should be. I draw quick, shaky inhales as tears threaten to drip down my face. 

Where am I? Who am I?

Startled, I pull my gaze away from my reflection and take in my surroundings with wide eyes. Opening my mouth allows the scent of the forest to stick to my tongue, like how it would to a snake's. Out of nowhere, an ominous smell fills my senses and my stomach growls. Getting up with a wobble, I decide to distract myself and go search for this peculiar scent in an effort to make my mind forget about the daunting fact that I do not recognize myself.

Creation- KNY OC (The Re-write!)Where stories live. Discover now