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I brush through the greenery in a trance as I follow the warm metallic scent in a consistent march, but approaching causes another scent drowns out the previous one, like a new wave crashing onto the sand of a beach while it pulls the old one away. I can barely see the moon through the trees, though my vision is not impacted by the surrounding darkness. I and stalk forwards, now being mindful of the noise my clumsy footsteps could cause.

"Nezuko!" a sudden scream causes me to jolt.

The air turns thick with fear and I pause, wondering if I should continue. There is no doubt that danger is ahead, though I am curious as to what is happening. I way the pros and cons, and on the end decide to keep going. I slowly creep up to the trunk of a thick tree and scale it when I notice that I'm close. I peer through the leaves, making sure to stay hidden as I quiet my breathing.

There's a boy with a sword attacking an older man and there's a smaller girl protecting a child who is laying on the ground, not moving. The man looks strange and it doesn't take long before I notice that the smell which doesn't fit in is originating from him. I watch in surprise as the boy swings his sword and the man dodges it. 

They're fighting? But...why?

I take a closer look at the girl and realise that she smells exactly like the man. Curiously, I lean forward.

At first, I can't understand a word the boy is saying. It's like he's speaking in a language I don't recognize. Do they not speak English?

"Nezuko, we'll have to work together on this one just like we did before," the boy pants.

Now I recognize it. They're speaking in Japanese. 

How did I get to Japan? I wasn't born here.

His face is twisted in pain and I watch in anticipation as the girl joins the boy at his side. The boy lunges right and the girl springs left. The man looks at each of them in turn, amusement lighting up his face as he grins. He then turns to the girl and goes for her, arms outstretched. The girl kicks at him and breaks off one of his arms, but the man grabs her leg and throws her into a tree. The girl's back hits the trunk, a loud crash following her landing to the ground. Slowly, the man's arm regenerates.


From here, I can tell that the boy is pretty hurt and should not be fighting. However, he rushes straight to the girl, ready to defend her.

"Don't touch my sister!" he yells.

Something about his desperation and valiance reminds me of someone, but I'm not sure who. I take a moment to dwell on this thought, realising that a part of me has just...vanished...

I don't know who I am. Panic rises in my chest as I try hard to remember something, anything, about where I'm from. However, the sinking feeling doesn't dissipate. It's as if my memory has been erased. Who am I? Where was I born? Why was my memory erased?

Questions that I can't answer drown out the fight below. Disorientation sets in as my breathing gets heavy and my hands begin to shake once again. My vision fades in and out just as it did before.

The boy swings his sword, the man dodges it easily and grabs the boy's sword with his hands. Picking up the boy, the man spins in circles, spinning the boy with him. Eventually, the boy is sent flying and he lands with a hard thump on the ground. The man stalks up to the kid in the clearing. He bends over and reaches for the child's throat, going in for the kill. Suddenly, the girl lunges with great speed and takes a swipe at the demon's arm, cutting it clean off for a second time. Blood gushes out of the wound and pools onto the soft green grass. Her face is contorted with anger.

Creation- KNY OC (The Re-write!)Where stories live. Discover now