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 "South southeast! Your next location is southeast!" A crow in the sky shrieks.

The creature has been following us, more likely has been pursuing Tanjiro and not the two of us. I wonder why...

"I heard you! I heard, so please give me a break and quiet down! I'm begging you, I got the message the first time you said it," Tanjiro begs.

This pesky animal has been speaking non-stop ever since we left Urokodaki's cabin. How I wish that I could just slaughter it. The crow keeps talking, its shrill voice driving me to the point of insanity.

Shut up.

"Please be careful of Aku's hearing!" Tanjiro says, shooing the bird away from his face.

My ears are more sensitive than a human's as expected. We were testing my capabilities along the way while we walked. The crow is about to squeal again, but it's interrupted by an even louder noise, which I didn't think was possible.

"Please!" a scream echoes.

I cover my ears with a displeased frown and take a look around, my eyes land on a yellow-haired boy begging on the ground in front of a woman.

"Please, please, please!" he begs.

What is going on? What is this pathetic display?

"Please marry me!"

I know I have forgotten most things, but it seems like the basics of life and my vocabulary are still in my memory. Therefore, I understand what this boy is asking the young woman. He wants to marry her. I look them both up and down and scoff, turning away.

As if she would accept.

"I could die any day you know!" the yellow boy cries, "that's why I want you to marry me! So please! I'm begging you!"

Begging a girl is no way of getting her hand in marriage you fool. 

"What's up with that?" Tanjiro asks confused.

I shrug, my face still set in the same grumpy frown. I'm not confused like he is, I am merely appalled at this disgusting sight. Now my look turns to one of bewilderment as small sparrow flies into Tanjiro's hand and starts squeaking, while Tanjiro is responding as if he can understand it. 

What a weird boy. Talking to a sparrow?

"I see, gotcha! I'll do something about it," Tanjiro says, determined.

He proceeds to march towards the scene and I follow along behind him reluctantly, an irritated huff accompanying my slow walk. The girl is trying to push the boy off of her by the time we get close enough to the two

"Aku," Tanjiro commands, nodding at the yellow kid.

I know what he wants me to do. The boy doesn't even notice as I reach down and grab him by the neck of his clothes. I pick him up as if I were picking up a feral cat and he hangs above the ground. After pausing for a short moment like a fearful deer, he starts to freak out, arms and legs thrashing as he cries.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Tanjiro gives the okay and I drop him roughly on the ground.

"Shut your pathetic little mouth," I hiss.

The boy stares up at me in fear.

"What do you think you're doing in the middle of the road?" Tanjiro questions him, "can't you see she wants no part of you?"

Tanjiro looks actually mad. His scent changed as well, which I remark as a bitter, heavy scent.

So emotions have different smells...

Creation- KNY OC (The Re-write!)Where stories live. Discover now