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I try to concentrate on the scents once again, however I can't trace any properly. I keep getting mixed up between Tanjiro's and Zenitsu's, as well as whatever demon is in this building. Judging by the strength of the smell, there's most likely multiple. I decide that I can't rely on being able to smell where everyone is, so I have to go look in order to locate them. I open the door of this room as quietly as possible. Peaking my head out, I take a look around, remarking that it's darker in this next room than where I was before. All of the lights are out and the stench of death is overpowering. As I step out into the hall a drumbeat is made and a wall disappears from my left. I decide that I should maybe follow where the walls open and close, they could perhaps give me a hint about where to go.

I creep along the wall and enter the new room. The smell of blood is strong as well as the scent of death. I can't see much, however I can spot four  unmoving figures. I can just barely see the glint of metal in what looks like to be one's hand. I start forwards, but pause when one of the four shadows moves, yet it isn't carefully nor gracefully. It's head snaps up and twists completely backwards to stare at me. 

"Hi?" I ask.

That was a mistake. With a quiet gurgling sound the shadow lunges at me. I don't have enough time to react as the body makes contact with mine, dropping a shoulder into my gut, sending me flying. I crash through the wall behind me and the wood breaks around the force. Pain shoots through my back as I'm sent through two rooms. I land on my stomach after breaking through the third wall and hitting my back against the fourth. I try to stand up with no success as a warm liquid trickles out of my mouth and I gasp for air. I've been winded?

Finally I catch my breath and stand up. How dare that demon throw me through three walls? I grit my teeth in anger, I've got to get revenge for that hit...I've got to get to that sword.

I can hear footsteps all around this room. My eyes dart around, trying to follow the sound to glimpse the creature. However, this room is pitch black meaning visibility is at zero. How am I meant to fight something I can't see?

"Your blood smells sweet," a creaking voice giggles.

After those words are spoken, I'm hit in the back and pushed through the floor underneath me causing me crash to the floor below. Wood splinters around onto the floor as it lands around me. If I can't see, I should rely on my other senses. After all, they are  heightened after you lose one. To prevent myself from trying to use sight, I shut my eyes and listen closely. Wind rushes down at me and I roll to my left. A thud proceeds from the place I was just lying at. I stand up and raise my hands up to my head in a defensive position. 

"You aren't a demon slayer! Why fight?" The same voice echoes through the room.

The air here is warm and stuffy, I should be able to feel  cold air devised from movement is. Footsteps rush around me, on the wall and roof as well. I pinpoint the location of each noise and calculate where the demon will be next. Being that the noise came from my left, the warm air was disturbed traveling in a diagonal line to my right towards my back and the scent of the demon should place him right-

I take a step to the left and swing my shoulders to face the demon in a parallel line. Wind blows past my face. I can hear the demon step down with his left foot and the warm air pivots, which should place his face in-front of mine. I do a backflip to avoid a kick and land on my feet then duck. Wind rushes above my head. Judging from where the movement came from, the demon must be using his right arm more dominantly than his left, which leaves the latter's side open for attacks. Lucky for me, I'm ambidextrous. It grunts in surprise as I bring my fist up and punch it in the jaw, sending it hurling backwards. Pain ricochets through my ribs and back when I hit him.

Creation- KNY OC (The Re-write!)Where stories live. Discover now