13 2 1

I push my thoughts aside as I stumble through the building, using the wall as a crutch. The relentless drumbeats have finally faded into silence, and the acrid stench that clung to the air is no longer present. After an unknown time of walking, where the fresh air rushes in to greet me and I sigh in relief. The sun's rays are warm and soothing as they bathe the clearing in a golden glow.

Despite the tranquility around me, my brain still feels like it's crashing against my skull, and every inch of my body aches with a deep, relentless pain. My breathing is ragged and shallow, each gasp a struggle, and it feels as if I could collapse at any moment. Why do I still feel like this? 

"Stop it!" I hear a scream.

Shielding my eyes from the glaring sun, I spot Zenitsu and an imposing figure wearing a boar mask stalking toward him. Zenitsu is on his knees, protectively cradling Nezuko's box with his arms wrapped tightly around it. The figure comes to a halt in front of him, twin swords drawn and ready at his side. The tension is palpable, he must be able to sense that  there's a demon in there.

"What the hell? We've gotta get rid of that thing!" the boar yells, "now get the hell outta my way!"

"I refuse! This belongs to Tanjiro!"

"Don't argue with me!"

I should step in, but when I move a sharp pain shoots up my torso and I halt, doubling over.

"I'm from the corps, just like you!"

"Well, then you of all people should know! There's a demon in there!" the boar yells.

"I do know! But Tanjiro and Aku both said that whatever's in this box is important! I can't let you harm it in any way!

The boar is silenced.

"I always knew. Right from the start. You see, I've always had really good hearing. All beings create different sounds and they all have distinct ones as well. Ever since I first met them, I knew there was a demon in this box!"

He knew? Does that mean he knows about me as well?

"Tanjiro said that this box was more important to him than his own life! Aku said it was precious! That's why I will not let you land a hand on it!"

Why does he care what I think? It's not like I was nice to him, or care about what he thinks. Before I know it, the boar is beating up Zenitsu, but the person who I once thought was a complete coward, is taking the blows to protect the box, to defend Nezuko

"Why won't you fight back? Now you spineless coward, draw your sword!"


I stand up straight, doing my best to not look like I'm in pain. 

"That's enough," I say in a low tone.

The boar turns to me and halts his kick midair.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm with Zenitsu and Tanjiro. And that box belongs to my friend, so I suggest that you step away," I answer.

"Aku! I protected the box," Zenitsu says, smiling with a bloody and beaten face.

I grip the handle of the sword tightly, which sends a jolt of pain through my arm.

"Thanks," I mutter.

I still think he's a coward, just...less of one. He did a good thing today so perhaps I shouldn't be so overly harsh on him.

"What's going on?" a voice from behind me asks.

"Tanjiro, you told me this box was more important than your life, so I protected it," Zenitsu says tightly.

I raise the sword and point it at the boar, who turns to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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