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We run through the woods, racing towards the direction the crow is guiding us to without a falter in our steps. I find it odd neither Tanjiro nor Zenitsu question the bird, seemingly putting every bit of their confidence in it. I check on my companions and see that Zenitsu is out of breath while Tanjiro seems perfectly fine. I myself feel well, no laboured breathing like the yellow-haired coward.

"Hey, guys? On second thought, I'm not going to make it," Zenitsu pants, slowing his sprint to a light jog. 

Does this human ever shut up?

"Even if I do make it there, I'll be useless!" he exclaims.

You could be used as bait actually, meaning you wouldn't be totally useless. 

As I gaze at Tanjiro, his intense concentration is palpable. Abruptly, a pungent, deathly odour envelops me, thickening the air like a dense fog, its scent permeating the forest. It's a demon. Though this scent is different from the other one I had known, much stronger and more potent, like it's flaunting its power or something.

"It stinks," I mutter to Tanjiro, who gives me a knowing nod.

Eventually, I spot a mansion in a clearing up ahead. It's a creepy building, large, but it is evident that there are no living beings around. Despite its vacancy, a sinister aura hangs heavy in the air, hinting at the presence of a lurking demon. This causes me to shiver, my eyes narrowing as my they travel to the roof, glinting in the sun. I quickly scan the well-maintained exterior, a stark contrast to the foreboding atmosphere. We walk into the light while Tanjiro inspects the house, just like I had done a moment before.

"I smell blood," he declares.

I can smell it too.

"Smells like an egotistical demon," I mutter, trying to flick my tail in annoyance, though I forgot it was currently wrapped around my waist.

"I don't know about that, but I can hear something. Do you?" Zenitsu pipes up.

"No, I can't hear a thing. Aku? What about the scent you mentioned earlier?"

I open my mouth slightly, letting the air flow in. 

"Definitely coming from here," I answer.

Smelling humans other than my companions, I instinctively turn to the scent and catch sight of a young boy adorned in a cyan kimono and a girl, even younger, dressed in pink. I stare at them for a moment, puzzled, before pointing towards the children, prompting Tanjiro to follow my directions. The children gasp in fear and whimper, as if startled by our presence.

"K-kids," Zenitsu shivers.

"They're afraid," I add, crossing my arms with disappointment.

Children as so weak. Being burdened with fear must be incredibly annoying. I eye them up and down, judging the kids about the same amount I do to Zenitsu.


I look back and forth from him to the kids. They're similar, no, practically the same. Of course he has to act like literal children, though to me even the little boy seems braver than Zenitsu, which is embarrassing to the core. How can one allow a child to be more courageous than oneself?

Tanjiro stares blankly.

"I wonder what's wrong."

He approaches the kids as if they're normal children roaming the streets of their village, disregarding their blatant fear.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" he asks, kneeling down in front of the two.

I imagine this is to make himself look smaller as to not be such a large threat to them. Or perhaps it is to demonstrate that he is not going to bring harm to them.

Creation- KNY OC (The Re-write!)Where stories live. Discover now