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I follow Tanjiro as he walks in front of me, holding the kid's hand. Apparently, we have to return him to his parents before Tanjiro introduces me to someone who can help with my situation. He said that this person might know something about me, something about where I'm from.

"You're so cool how you killed that thing Mr. Tanjiro!" The little boy exclaims.

"It wasn't just me, I had help," Tanjiro motions to me.

The boy frowns and we continue walking, me silently to not betray my limited knowledge of the language.

Once we get to a house that's secluded in the woods, the door opens and two people rush over in a blur.

"Oh my little boy!" the woman cries.

She hugs the boy tight.

"Mama!" the kid hugs her back.

The man stands, rigidly, staring at the boy.

"Where's my other son?" he asks Tanjiro.

"I-I'm sorry sir... the demon got to him before I could," Tanjiro responds, eyes filling with tears.

There was another kid? I couldn't smell him, nor pick up any trace of his scent. The woman looks up, fear in her eyes. She proceeds to sob, holding the boy tighter and pulling him away from the man. The man turns to the boy, brimming with anger.

"You see what happened, son? He's dead. All because he went to save you!" The man screams.

I take a step back, concerned.

"Just leave it Akemi, he didn't know that one would come after him," the woman says, between sniffs.

"He had potential! This good-for-nothing doesn't! He got him killed!" the father says, spitting in the kid's face.

Tanjiro lowers his head and stands his ground solemnly.

"You should have died! Maybe I'll make sure you do!" the man slaps the kid.

The woman stands up, protectively positioning herself in front of the scared little boy.

"You will never amount to anything Genki! You will always be some useless scum who needs others to be strong! You are nothing!" The man screams again.

"Sir," I say, taking a deep breath.

The man turns to me, furiously. I can feel Tanjiro's stare burning into me, warning me to shut up even though he disagrees with this situation as well. However, I can't just stand idly and let this poor kid get blamed and beaten.

"Are you supposed to be his father?" I ask, looking at the ground at first.

"As if I'd consider that useless being my son," he snaps.

"Fathers are supposed to love their children," I speak in a calm tone, hoping to get my point across.

"Excuse me? I'm not going to listen to a coward who can't even show his face!"

Obviously, a direct approach is more suited for this situation.

"Maybe, the problem isn't your son... it's you, " I spit, now staring him down even though he can't see my glare.

The father hurls himself at me, but I simply step aside and he lands on his stomach, flopping on the ground.

"You have no right to have a family, " I say, gritting my teeth, fists clenched.

"Aku, that's enough!" Tanjiro says, pulling my arm.

This man is drunk. I can smell that dank scent all over his body and in his blood. I bend down and plant my hand on the back of his head.

Creation- KNY OC (The Re-write!)Where stories live. Discover now