13. At Pete's

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Pete's POV :

Sitting in the class, ofcourse all my attention was not anywhere else but at Vegas right now.

The whole night was crazy yesterday, you could call it our best and worst date at the same time.

And i don't even know if I'm fantasizing about how he railed me, or I'm worried about how he was blaming himself so badly, almost disturbingly.

Seeing him that way was one of the worst feelings I've felt in this life, ofcourse I've had worse in my last one but let's not get there.

And yeah, whenever I dream or get flashes about those dehumanising things he did to me in the past, i suffer, but how does he feel?

I can blame him and get over it after sometime, but who has he got to blame? Vegas has only got Vegas to blame and that's what's the worst part.

It was him, who did irreversible damages, even though Vegas in this life has no control over the things he did in his past life, even though the Vegas in this life is an ideal student, a kind human being, a caring person who wouldn't even hurt an ant, but still he'll be blaming himself.

The guilt of hurting his love in the past life and loving the same person in the present life, this is some another level pain.

Even if i forgive him a million times, he has to forgive himself, and for an empathetic person forgiving themself could be one of the hardest things.

Last night he didn't just break down for me, he broke down for his whole existence, and that's what's killing me right now.

As much as i want to hold him and say it's okay, i want him to say this to himself. Cause maybe, it would be the most helpful thing for him right now.

But ofcourse I can't stay away from him cause of the clingy little bitch I am and also, i miss him so badly......

But would he come if i called him directly? After kicking me out of his house today I'm sure he won't even be looking at me cause he's embarassed too.

So the plan for me is to call him to me BUT, in the disguise of our sweet group project.

So i pick up the phone, and call him as soon as my last class ends. And surprising that he picks up after 2 rings.

"Pete!! how're you" he says in a weak voice trying to sound cheerful but i know....

"Vegas I'm good, yeah and how're you? Good yeah i know!! So now listen. We gotta submit the part A of our stupid little project tomorrow which means you know, we got not time as we have successfully wasted our 24 hours. So can we meet today and finish this shit even if we gotta pull an all nighter?? Cause i don't wanna fail my last semester and..." Ok i realised maybe i blabbered too much. And wasting our 24 hours damnnn maybe i spoke without thinkinggg....?

"Oh uhhh, yeah!! You're right we uh, wasted, the whole day so ok!! What else do you wanna say?" He said sounding a bit cold. Ouch, i gotta learn talking now.

"Nooo Vegas i mean i didn't mean it that way you know.....about the....24 hours hehehe-" " What do you want Pete." He spoke so sternly i wanted to slap myself. Damn my stupidity hurted my man....

"Ok so, can we meet at my house at 7 pm? We'll try to end it all by 11 pm, i mean, end the project, and then you can go home hehe i MEAN only if you want to you know...-" "7pm, got it." He cut me off and then also the call.

Godddd did his dick convert me into an idiot??? Ughhh

Ok nevermind i should just go home and prepare for his homecoming.


So yeah, Vegas is sitting right in front of me, actually diagonally in front of me but right in front of my grandma.

Funny story, i prepared my home but i forgot to prepare my grandma!! And it's been about 30 minutes since she's been interrogating him and LORD i want her to stop so bad!!

She kept asking questions about his education, job, his family background, race, his parents origin OH GOD. And she kept showing her visible disappointments at most of his answers..

And i could see the uncomfort on his face.

But before i could say anything to stop this torturing interrogation grandma ordered me to heat the dishes she made for him and bring them. And i dare not to say another word after her order.

I went in the kitchen and did what she said, and came back after about 10 minutes cause also made some coffee as Vegas likes it.

And what i saw was a bit different from what i imagined.

Vegas was now lying on grandma's lap and she was combing his hair with her fingers. Damn I've never seen Vegas get comfortable to someone so fast, what black magic did grandma do??

So i walked close to them with the food and heard how grandma was telling Vegas to take care of himself and he was telling her some story about how he used to go to meet his grandparents at a farm by the countryside and how he misses them but can't visit cause of the busy schedule. And grandma listened to every word he said with her full interest and affection.

Grandma never gets so sweet to anyone, she perceives how a person truly is and then let's her guard down. But here she sounded like she actually liked Vegas. So the real magician here was him i see....

"Here, let's take a break from the chat and have some food." I said while placing everything and they seemed to notice me and Vegas sat up.

"Go sit next to Pete!!" Grandma tapped Vegas on the back twice and he just awkwardly followed what she said.

He was sitting beside me now, and we all started eating and taking rest from the talking. Vegas really appreciated the food and told grandma about how he liked every dish. But he didn't seem to handle the spices that well. The sweet coffee beside him helped a bit.

And just when i was starting to enjoy our time....

"Why did you leave my sweet pete boy??" Grandma asked him suddenly oh god!! This is so embarrassing!! "Grandmaa stopppp" i say but it's too late. I noticed the change in Vegas's expressions already.

"Vegas.....I'm sorry actu-" "haha grandma I'm sorry for that....i know i hurt him a lot" he spoke. And i just stared at him....

"What are you saying boy?? Pete said he was very happy with you and he said that you both parted ways because of him!! Take back my little pete boy i know you'd take good care of him!!" Grandma spoke it all and i face-palmed myself.

"Grandma please don't say all this" i said and looked at Vegas who was now looking at her dumbfounded.

He contemplated the new information given by grandma just now and smiled faintly and said "I'd try my best to take decisions that make him happy all my life grandma, i promise you that."

And grandma started smiling kindly at the both of us. And i couldn't look away from him, and maybe my eyes became glassy but i blinked fast so that no one notices them.

"Okay grandma we'll be heading to my room to start our assignment as we don't have much time left" i said while holding up Vegas's wrist and started walking towards my room with him while grandma nodded too.

Vegas's POV :

"And we'll do the dishes when we take a break so leave it all on the table, and take your medication and rest." Pete said loudly to grandma while we both stood in front of his room.

But before opening it he once again sprinted to grandma who now stood up, gave a kiss on her cheek and said "we'll be up till late so you should sleep, goodnight" and grandma nodded while smiling and caressed Pete's cheek before heading to her room while pete came towards his.
A/N :

I was so confused how i should end the story guys, as i didn't like the original plot i thought a month ago, so i kept twisting so many things and finallyyy I'm sure so get ready for the pre finale and finale chapters!! Also share, vote and comment!! Love yalll byeee

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