14. Decision

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Vegas's POV :

Watching Pete with his grandma really warmed my heart and i realised that he truly got only her and no one else.

We entered Pete's room then which was nothing but a simple minimalistic one which surprised me as i didn't expect the popular sorta rebel kid to have such a neat room.

"Wow you for real got some games the way you impressed grandma there" pete said while looking at me and sitting down on his bed.

I sat beside him and said "Everyone loves me" and they do once they get to know the real me.

Pete chuckled and nodded as if he agrees, wow i didn't expect him to agree i thought he'd comeback with some witty remark.

Times like these make me curious about him more......but all that we've been through, i now feel like a distance between us would be the best thing.

Pete' POV :

"Let's start the research work, it's already 9 pm." I said and we both took out our laptops and divided work accordingly.

And needless to say there was a LOT to do as we were doing a whole week's work in a night.

So we worked a little, took a break in between when Vegas suggested about cleaning the unwashed dishes which was kind of sweet....and then came back and worked some more.

Vegas was finished first with his work. And i told him he should go home as it was 12am but he said "Two are always better than one and I can help you finish it quicker stupido" and with that he asked to give half of my work to him. Which i did but moments like these only made me fall deeper for him, almost developing a school-girl type of crush.

So he worked an hour extra with me after which we finished the research at the same time and he fell on the bed on his back and sighed happily while i thumped the laptop close.

He was lying on the bed facing the ceiling and i crawled next to him on my stomach with my palms supporting my chin.

His eyes were closed while arms were below his head. This would be the first time I noticed his arms, they were veiny and his biceps were work of art. And yeah i should stop having weird flashbacks and urges.

"Done staring?" He asked and i flinched and looked away and said "i-i wasn't staring, i was seeing whether you're awake or not" he opened his eyes and smiled at me....yeah not at all lethal.

"I started having those dreams after i met you in Kinn's party" I said trying to open up and his eyes changed to being uncomfortable.

But nevertheless he looked at me and hummed in a way that assured me that i should talk about this.

"At first i was confused as to why am I imagining things and having nightmares about you like this even though we've never met, but the recurring scenes and the way they left me feeling made me sure that these weren't just my imaginations." I continued.

"How did you feel about me Pete?" He asked being uttermost curious so i told him "honestly, i was terrified, but even i didn't understand the first time why i was so scared. But as i got it, and as i came to know that you see the same things and it was all real, i really really hated you" i saw his heartbreak on his face as his lips slightly parted.

"I hated the PAST you, but when i thought about you, the Vegas in this life, my heart warmed, i felt butterflies and till this day, i feel them. I really love yo-" i was about to say it when Vegas covered my mouth with hai palm and shook his head.

"Don't say it Pete, don't make me weak. I've made up my mind and nothing can change it." He said and i tilted my head a little in confusion.

"No matter how much we love each other, our past will never let us be happy. It would be a constant reminder of how cruel and inhuman i was to you and how I've scarred you and YOU pete, out of everyone you would be the last person to deserve a scum like me." His eyes were the saddest I've seen.

"Vegas no it's not your fault, you're the kindest person i know, please stop blame yourself!!" i kind of raised my voice as i got angry as to how much he hated himself when he didn't deserve it.

"Pete, you know how much i liked you, heck, i love you. But please let's not make this harder on us and let's stay at a distance." He said and i wanted to hug him but damn he was somehow right.

So i decided to listen to him. We then stayed quiet for a little and then he asked me about my family and i told him how I've been living with grandma and my parents live in new Zealand.

He too told me about his family and we chatted a lot and didn't even realise how the time went by and it was 5 am now!!

"Shit!! Vegas we gotta sleep now cause we HAVE to go tomorrow no matter what." I said and got up to close the curtains and when i turned around to come to bed, Vegas was already asleep.

My heart melted at the sight and i pulled a blanket over him and then slipped on my side of the bed.

I fell asleep watching him by my side, probably the last time I'll ever get to do this.

I woke up at 7:30 am as i set my alarm but didn't wake up Vegas as i didn't want to disturb his sleep and i can submit the work alone too so why bother him.

I got ready and told grandma about letting Vegas sleep as long as he wants and then i headed out for college.


I submitted our project and told the professor that Vegas got sick and then heaved a sigh of relief while going to sit down on my seat.

I took 3 of my classes when i saw around at 12pm Vegas entered my classroom. So he woke up earlier than I expected.

"Hey Vegas" i greeted him as he came to me and sat beside me and asked "Why didn't you wake me up?" He looked like someone stole his candy.

"Cause you looked so adorable while sleeping and drooling" i said smiling and it almost seemed like i was flirting with him. And i was.

He just rolled his eyes and got up and went out to attend his class. Bruh did he come just for that? No thank you??

I got a little annoyed, maybe, or ofcourse because I only got 2 hours of sleep and usually that makes me irritated.

I call Porsche and he gets up from the desk of the girl he was flirting with for notes as if everyone's not aware of him and kinn.

He comes to me beaming his positive smile and sits next to me while i put my head of his shoulder.

"I saw your feisty bitch going out, what did you do" he asked while stroking my head which made me at ease.

"I didn't do anything Porsche, it's him." I had already told him everything as he's my best friend and i trust him with my life.

"Last night we agreed to stay at a distance but......i can't, and i Don't want to. And i know that even he doesn't want that but he's too coward to move on and give us a try" i said.

"I really really want to be with him Porsche, I've never felt so strongly about anything in my entire life. I truly........love him.." i said whe going a little quieter at the last part as i was tired.

"Hey Pete, i know you do love him truly. No need to feel sad. Hear me out now, if you really want him, you gotta set him free" Porsche said and i sat up eyeing him.
A/N :

Youuu guyzzz i got my first vote on this story and 500 views tooo!! Thanks a lot!!

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