• Jin •

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Name: Kim Seokjin

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Name: Kim Seokjin

Age: 28

Height: 5'10

Weight: 138.8lb

              - OCD (severe)
              - Bulimia (minor)

Time spent in Institution: 4 years

Room #: 528

High Risk?
              - Y/[N]

              - Jin's OCD never really became prominent until he was 13, when he started to realize the number 4 became his best friend and worst enemy. He wouldn't say dealing with it was horrible, more like a constant reminder that he'd never meet his parents high expectations. It would be silly to even think of mentioning it to his perfectionist parents and so he let it settle deep in his chest and consume his being. His studies crashed, and his grades plummeted as he was more interested in working on himself then his surroundings. He let it continue to burn his throat and consume his nights until his boyfriend told him he needed to get it solved and figured out at the age of 24. His love for his partner overpowered the thought of continuing his perfect image and he allowed himself to be admitted to get better.

Little did he know that his time in the hospital was enough time for his boyfriend to start cheating, and he became obsessed with every fiber of himself. Giving him a crippling eating disorder and OCD that had only gotten worse.

Now he stays admitted because he has nothing left to go home to.

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