🖇️ Therapy Session 🖇️

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"Alright now that everyone's here we will go over the rules again. Don't interrupt anyone, or make them feel bad for what they feel. Never encourage a bad habit to another member in the group. No adding your two cents into another person's problem unless asked to. Lastly, no fighting."

They all act like they've heard it a million times before but to Jungkook this was completely new. He'd never been to therapy before and he didn't know how it would work. "Let's start, would anyone like to go first?" Everyone looks around at someone else, clearly none of them wanted to be here. "Okay, Namjoon. Anything you want to go over?" He gives a nod settling back in his seat, "I need them to have more of the patches or anything." She gives him a serious look, typing out something on her laptop. "What do you mean?" "They're only giving me 2 a day and I feel like I'm going insane. Like I mean I understand why they'd cut back, but I can't do it. I've tried the whole, pretend it doesn't exist thing, but I can't."

"They should be giving you 4, one in the morning, one after lunch, one after calls, and then during the night." She says looking frustrated as she points at a line on the laptop, "I'll get them to fix that." He gives a small thank you, a sigh of relief leaving him. "Alright, so Taehyung. Are you seeing any improvements in your class with Mrs. Knightley?" He looks at Jin before giving a nod, seeking that he could say something. "She's given me exercises to perform, right hyung?" Jin gives a nod in return and Taehyung looks back at her, "she says I should try separation." She gives a small smile, "do you think that's something you want to try?" He looks conflicted as if something's holding him back, looking up at Jin for his answer. "Do I?" Jin gives a sigh, "I think she wants you to answer. It's okay you can."

Taehyung takes the approval looking back at her, "I don't like it. I don't, right? That's the correct answer?" She types something out and looks back at him, "I'm going to sign you up with another visit to the psych center and see if they can get you on any new medications." She looks over at Jin signaling it's his turn, "anything new happen recently?" He gives a head shake before retracting that and gives a nod, "well yes but no. I think I need moved out of the culinary section." She raises her eyebrow in surprise, "why do you think that?" He lets out a deep sigh obviously not pleased bringing it up, "Mrs. Junish let me do one of those independent stationeries since I'm off high risk. I was making something simple and then noticed I thought it would taste good. So I took a bite of one thing, then I got other things out of the fridge and soon I had downed beyond what I should have. I felt sick of course but couldn't throw up. So I did what I thought would help and I did it myself. I didn't want to, but I felt so ill I had to get it out."

"Thank you for being honest Jin. If you think it's in your best interest then I will definitely move you out of that station." She looks over at Jimin now, the younger fidgeting at the drawn attention. "Have you been working towards conquering some of your fear foods?" Jimin looks over at Namjoon who just let's out a little laugh, "so I tried to give him a cookie." The therapist looks at him not believing he tried to get Jimin to eat a cookie. "And how did that go?" Jimin bites his nail lightly and Namjoon rubs the back of his neck embarrassed suddenly. "Well he kinda just smacked it and left. Horrible for the cookie but funny for imagery."

She types something out, trying to get them back on track. "You've made some progress which is amazing, I'm excited that you've made it into the 20s. Once you've reached into the 30s, I think we can start to talk about discharging you." He gives a little nod and she adjusts her glasses, going to type something out again. "I don't think it's real." Everyone looks at Yoongi who's looking back from the therapist to Jimin. "What?"

"I don't think it counts as a disorder."


Yoongi nods and shock shoots through the group. "I would normally like to discuss why you think this way but I don't want to set anyone back. So I'll tell your individual therapist and he will discuss it with you." Yoongi can't bite his tongue any longer and his words come out like venom, "I just don't think it's that hard to eat. And I don't think the fact he can't be content with his body is something that needs to get him psychiatric treatment. Like he wasn't born with it, he developed it. So why should anyone have to feel bad that he can't pick up a piece of food and be okay. It's just bullshit, and I don't think he deserves the spot he has here. He's wasting everyone's time."

"Yoongi you can't say that." She says and the room grows more tense as the two across from each other make eye contact. "You did it to yourself." Jimin unfolds himself from where he is on his chair, sitting up more sturdy. "Alright so yeah I wasn't born with it but you don't know the hell I went through." Yoongi rolls his eyes, "what's so fucking bad about a salad or an apple? You really have to think your so special you need a whole group of people to take care of the issue you created. That's pathetic." "It wasn't my fault! I did dance, they wanted someone thin. My teacher always told me I would never make it if I continued at the weight I was so I lost the fucking weight. You know what happened when the pounds came off my body? I got a fucking job! They paid me to dance, because I was thin! So don't you ever fucking come at me for it being a problem I created."

"This is getting out of-"

"Bullshit it was like that!" Jimins eyes fill with tears, "fuck you Yoongi. Fuck you. And you know what your no fucking better. Why can't you just stop mutilating yourself? Is it that hard? It's not so fucking easy is it!?" Yoongi comes back just as sharp, "I was born with it! Mines actually real! Yours is your own fucking doing!" "I worked hard to get to where I am!" "And your still fat!"

Jimin stands up leaving the room, it goes quiet for a few seconds before Yoongi's out the door too. The therapist gets up quickly, going out the door too. She locks it behind her, and the screaming in the hallway commences. All of them are silent, basking in what just happened. The yelling is louder than the people trying to stop them.

"What's his problem?" Namjoon shrugs putting his head in his hands, Jungkook sitting silently not believing what he'd just seen. "This is gonna set Jimin back, what was he thinking? Jimin's not gonna eat for weeks now! Why did Yoongi do that?" Jungkook looks over at Jin who's looking at Namjoon like he has the answer. "I don't know Hyung, Yoongi won't tell me what it is. He's just always had a bone to pick with Jimin." They all go silent again, waiting until the therapist came back in.

When she does she looks winded, sitting down trying to pretend nothing happened. With a group of mentally ill adults though it could never be that easy to pretend nothing happened. "Alright, I think it's best everyone goes to their rooms. If you need I can get an automatic appointment with your individual therapists, in 10 minutes. Let's call it a day." Most of them stand up, Namjoon being the only one that stays seated. "Are they okay?" She taps nervously on her clipboard, "they're both back in their own areas being talked to." That doesn't answer the question in the slightest, and Namjoon gets out of his seat, quickly leaving the room. He obviously was terrified his boyfriend did something.

Jungkook mind boggled by this whole thing tries to go out the door but is stopped by the therapist. "I promise this isn't always how this is Jungkook, don't take this experience too personally." He gives a nod and leaves, walking down the hallway not really knowing what to think. How could they so easily throw insults at each other? Everyone even acted like this had happened before. Why had this problem not been fixed.

"Jungkook ah."



Another update to this wondrous story. Of course I had to add in some angst because this story has to have angst, it's a mental hospital. But hopefully we find out why Yoongi doesn't like Jimin 🧐

Comments are appreciated!!!!

I love you all bye!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💙💙💙💙💙💙💛💚💛💚💚💜💚💛💙💙

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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