💞 One Big Deranged Family 💞

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"So newbie, watcha in here for?"

Jungkook gives Hoseok a confused look, "isn't it a rule not to talk about that stuff?" Hoseok laughs nudging Yoongi who just gives an eye roll in return. "If you didn't talk about your stuff to the people around you you'd truly go crazy." Jungkook doesn't quite understand, because he didn't want to get involved with anyone at all. He wanted to be left alone to get better and get out of this hell hole. However, the way he was looking at him told him he wasn't going to get out of talking. "I have Pica and a binging problem," he says and Hoseok gives a funny little nod "you, Jimin, and Jin will be great buddies." Yoongi hits his arm giving him sharp eyes, "not everyone with an eating disorder will be friends stupid."

"I don't get why I can't have another fucking patch, I'm gonna go insane!" A tall silver headed man walks in, throwing his hands up and making a strangling motion. "They're doing the limit thing again?" He gives a nod, slumping down in a seat, "okay so I get why they stopped giving me the nicorette but why stop the patch? This is the second day they've fucked me over, if I don't either get a new patch or a cigarette in my system I'm gonna fucking lose it." He hits his own chair and Taehyung jumps slightly, gripping tighter onto Jin. "Namjoon Hyung, I'd think their just doing it to maybe get you off of it completely." Jimin goes over to the table their all at beckoning Jungkook over to come sit with them. He does hesitantly, and now up close he can see everyone so much better.

Taehyung, who must be beyond shy, is sitting on top of Jin's lap. He's got on a short sleeved gray shirt and matching gray shorts, Jungkook can tell he's acquired a special item based on the necklace he has on that has a little ring attached to it. He must be very close to Jin based on the fact his head is in his neck and his hands are curled in his shirt, he wonders if their dating or if it's something else. All he knows is that he's very child like, with bouncy blonde hair and a boxy smile.

Yoongi is hard not to take in, his eyes piercing through Jungkooks. He's thin and has long sleeves on, his hands are also covered by gloves. Of course Jungkook has no idea why, but he thought it must have something to do with the reason he's here. He was a-

"So Jungkook, I've just realized we haven't all properly introduced ourselves." Jungkook looks over at Jin, who gives him a small smile "we like to consider ourselves a deranged family." He gives a half smile with a nod, confused as to how people in a mental hospital could be a family. "Oo Oo Jin Hyung let me introduce everyone, I'm better at talking." Jin laughs and waves his hand for him to continue, Hoseok getting ready to perform his wonderful speech he had been thinking about for about 2 minutes now.

"Starting with our oldest Jin Hyung, the gorgeous world wide handsome, is here for OCD and bulimia. Yoongi, aka stupid idiot who steals my crayons during quiet time, is here for anxiety, depression, and autophagia. Me the sunshine hope boy, here for ADHD and depersonalization. Namjoon, sour patch kid or 148IQ, here for alcoholism, substance abuse, and self harm. Jimin, our little mochi, here for anorexia obvi, depression, and anxiety. Lastly, Taehyung, aka our little bean boy, PTSD and DPD. One big depressed family, I say we do good." Jungkook is a little stunned not believing how open they were. Half the stuff they're dealing with he didn't even know existed. "I can tell you have some questions in your head, I'm an amazing list teller." Jungkook doesn't feel like he should pry but he's now beyond interested in understand how in the hell this all worked out.

He decides maybe it is a good idea to ask and starts one at a time, "what's DPD?" He looks over at Taehyung who just nuzzles further into Jin and whispers something to him. Jin gives a little nod before looking back at Jungkook, "DPD is Dependent Personality Disorder. People with it often can't make simple decisions without someone telling them what to say, and they constantly need approval for everything they do to feel like they aren't doing something bad. Tae met me his first few days of being in the hospital and clung, his therapist doesn't like it but his therapist doesn't really like anything." Taehyung gives a nod and Jungkook kinda gets it. He couldn't believe someone would live with that, constantly needing reassurance.

"Taehyung is annoying," Yoongi says already smiling like he knew what reaction he was gonna get "yah! You're one to talk always picky about everything! There is nothing wrong with Taehyung and he is not annoying, he is perfect the way he is. You on the other hand human cutting board are a whole other discussion." Yoongi rolls his eyes, "you only think that cause your his boooyfriend. Ya know your lucky I don't have mine yell at you." Jungkook watches wondering how they so easily talked to each other like that. "Your boyfriend? Yell at me? I'll just wave a bottle of soju in front of him and he'll be nice for the rest of the year." The whole group laughs at that, even Jungkook giving a little chuckle. "Hyung did you hear about the patch problem?" Namjoon asks and Jin gives a nod, "Their making cutbacks."

Namjoon throws his hands up, frustration setting in again "why?" Jin sits up a bit more wrapping his arm firm around Taehyung, "so since PRAD is a mental hospital that allows you to go at your own pace they often spend a lot of money but don't get a lot back. Especially since there are patients who stay for 6 years +." Namjoon huffs, "I mean at least they actually care." Jungkook clears his throat, "how long have you guys been in here?" Everyone starts to look at Jimin but quickly divert to not draw attention. Of course Jungkook notices though and looks at Jimin in wonder.

"5 years," he says picking at his hand and Jungkooks mouth unknowingly hangs open. "Ya know you could be out quick if you like just actually ate for once," Yoongi says eyes cold as he stares at Jimin's slender form. "It's not that easy Hyung," Yoongi rolls his eyes "all you have to do is like eat it ya know? Like easy." Jimin looks down at the table chipping at the paint," Yoongi stop questioning him you know we don't do that with the mochi. He's our soft boy who won't tell you mean things back, however I will Hannibal Lecter." Yoongi flips him off, "get new jokes."

They all laugh Jungkook not really understanding how they all were so comfortable with each other. How had they even meet in the first place. "How did you all meet?" Jin takes the liberty of telling the story, clearing his throat as he recalls the moments that had happened. "After being here for a little bit, Taehyung showed up and we instantly clicked. It was just us two for a while until Hoseok introduced himself to us, saying that we had to be friends because he was awesome. He then introduced us to Yoongi and Namjoon, saying that mental hospital couples had to stay together or something. Then Jimin joined our group therapy sessions after he was taken out of intensive care, and basically meshed with 'almost' all of us."

"One big deranged family, and you are our newest member."


A new update for this story is out, I'm super excited. So far I'm really liking it, but remember that there is going to be a lot of angst.

Comments are appreciated!!!!

I love you all, bye!! 💜💜💜💓💜💓💓💜💜💜💜💓💜💓💜💓💜💓💜💜

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