💫Newbie 💫

21 2 1

"Here is your room, 421."

Jungkook enters the plain room, noticing it was a little different then what he thought mental hospital rooms would look like. Instead of the white he was expecting, he's greeted by light blue walls and a soft looking bed. The sheets aren't what he expected either, they actually look soft and not rock like. "Patients are rated based on their risk, patients with a low risk get special items but a camera in their room to make sure they aren't using it to harm themselves. You are rated a high risk since your new, hopefully if you make progress you'll be able to gain a special item." Jungkook gives a nod looking at her, "what's a special item?" She gives a smile and brings out her iPad that was inside her nurses bag, getting the screen ready as Amazon comes up. "Here at PRAD we want to make sure the patients feel comfortable and are able to grow and gain a self love on their own and not through force. If you get off high risk, then your nurse will find you and call you up to the admins desk where you both are allowed to look for any item that will bring you joy. We get a lot of sketchbooks, coloring books, paints, blind bags, books, etc."

She hands Jungkook two different pages, and he looks through them seeing the list full of rules and regulations, and the different times each things would happen.

Rules for PRAD:
              - no sharing food during meal time
              - no sharing last names
              - no comparing weight
              - make sure you always tell a nurse if another member of the hospital is having a panic attack
              - if you are violent we will give you medication to calm you down or forcefully restrain you
              - no drugs or alcohol inside of the building
              - medications are stored in the nursing stations, and can only be obtained by nurses or doctors
              - you will wear a hospital safe outfit  until we have authorized all of your clothes are safe to wear inside of the hospital and not dangerous to you or others
              - do not discuss personal life details or disorders with other patients, unless it is during group as it may cause high levels of stress
             - Only immediate family can visit you on Fridays from 4p.m. to 8:30p.m.
             - You are expected to keep yourself, your room, and all other areas clean at all times
             - You can watch television and use the stereo during free time
             - You must be in your beds by 11 pm

He reads the next page that has the exact schedule he's suppose to be following.

7:30-8:15 Wake up
8:15-8:30 Break
8:30-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-10:00 Goals group
10:00-10:45 Activities therapy/gym activities
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Process group/therapist/psych ed group
12:00-12:30 Quiet time/break
12:30-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Personal Hygiene
2:00-2:45 Discharge planning (MHT and patient-led discharge planning)
2:45-3:00 Break
3:00-4:00 Activities therapy
4:00-5:00 Personal assignments/journaling/phone calls
5:00-5:30 Hygiene/break
5:30-6:00 Dinner
6:00-7:00 Psych ed/visitation
7:00-7:45 Personal time
7:45-8:00 Break
8:00-9:00 Goals review
9:00-10:00 Reading/journal
11:00 Lights out

It didn't sound horrible, but it seemed like they were constantly keeping them busy. Did that help in some sort of way? "Since you're here at 7:48, you can either settle here and get comfortable, or you can go to the break area." Jungkook doesn't think he's ready to meet anyone right now, but realizes that it may be good for him to at least know what the people in the rooms next to him look like. "I'll go to the break area," he says instantly regretting it but the nurse has already started guiding him towards the area.

When they get there she raises her badge and opens the door a nurse sitting in a chair against the wall as she watches 6 different men. Jungkook scans over them, eyes shifting to two men playing a game of cards. One of them has bright blond hair, very obviously dyed multiple times. He's basically on top of the boy next to him, but tries not to peek at his cards as the other holds them far away. The other one has dark brown hair and a loud laugh that covers the room with a happy glow. They seem almost attached at the hip, the blond never taking his eyes off the other unless to play a card for a few seconds.

"Boys, this is Jungkook. Would you like to introduce yourselves?" Jungkook looks at the nurse dreading her very being since he wanted to stay away from the others as far as possible. The heads turn towards him and he suddenly feels small, especially when he's in clothes that aren't even his and all he can think about is the nearest exit. A bouncy brown haired boy, with a bright yellow shirt and black sweatpants with no strings looks up and gives him a bright smile. "Hello! I'm Hoseok! But you can call me Hobi if you want!" Jungkook gives a small smile and wave, Noticing how some of them had long sleeved and others had short sleeves. He didn't know if it was a style thing or if there was a reason. "You should stay away from Yoongi I heard he eats people."

Jungkooks eyes go wide as he looks at the brunette who looks over at a mint haired boy who looks beyond annoyed. "Hoseok! You get a warning, you remember the rules. No talking about others disorders or making fun of them." Jungkook only looks more frightened as he looks at the nurse, "he eats people?" Yoongi let's out a loud groan, "I don't eat people. Hoseok your such a fucking dick sometimes, it's not my fault I'm like this you bitch." The nurse gives an exasperated sigh deeming that this had gotten out of hand, "both of you get a warning slip. Now let's change the subject, why don't you introduce yourself." She points hopelessly at the blond who's now almost completely on the dark brown haired boys lap.

"I'm Taehyung, and- n-no Hyung you can describe it better than I can." Taehyung looks up at him, hands holding his as he fidgets nervously, "you can do it Tae." Taehyung nods at the permission looking back at Jungkook, "it's nice to meet you." Jungkook doesn't get the whole permission thing going on with the two but rules it as normal, the dark brown haired boy giving him a friendly smile "I'm Jin." Jungkook gives a smile back and then his eyes capture a boy in the corner who is just beyond breathtaking.

Jungkook had never seen someone so pretty, someone that made him fall instantly. He wants to ignore it but can't help the way his eyes graze over him, "what's your name?" The words leave his mouth before he can catch them and the other gives him a small cautious smile from where he's sat on a sofa, "Jimin." Jimin was beautiful, beyond beautiful even. He had blue hair, newly dyed, and a white shirt with a pair of gray sweatpants no strings of course. Jungkook also noticed how skinny his arms were, and how big the clothes were on him. He was obviously an Ana boy, but Jungkook didn't care. He was beautiful.

"Alright Jungkook, I'll leave you to get to know your group." Jungkook breaks the eye contact with Jimin's honeydew brown eyes, and looks back at the nurse. "Group?" She gives a nod with a smile, "they'll be in your group therapy session. It's good you get to know them." Jungkook gives a nod and she waves at the other boys, "bye Mrs. Jisoo."

The room goes back to normal when she leaves and Jungkook looks around wondering where he'd go. Would he even fit in?


I am excited for this fanfic as it talks about disorders and will shine a light on them and how serious they are. I've always liked writing about these things.

Comments are appreciated!

I love you all, bye!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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