• Hoseok •

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Name: Jung Hoseok

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Name: Jung Hoseok

Age: 25

Height: 5'10

Weight: 143.3lb

               - ADHD (severe)
               - Depersonalization (severe)

Time spent in Institution: 2 months

Room #: 497

High Risk?
              - Y/[N]

                   - Unlike the rest of the group, Hoseok didn't have a disorder that rendered him helpless most nights. Of course it still caused him loads of trouble and caused him multiple years of bullying from his classmates, but it wasn't nearly as bad. Most nights he wonders why he's even in the Hospital, why did he need to be here?

His nurses best answers were, 'your outside of yourself' and 'your just not ready yet.' He didn't quite get it, but he went with it as he felt himself knock behind his eyes. Sometimes his body felt like a shell, simply walking for him as his inner self hit against the walls of his head as he tried to escape. Why he felt this way he'd never understand, but hopefully he'd get out of the hell hole that is the mental hospital and he'll finally be able to wander amongst normal people.

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