Chapter 21

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Vera looked away from the computer when her phone pinged.

Would you like a salad for lunch?

She smirked, that could only be one person. She picked up the phone and leaned back in the office chair. No, thank you.

Would you like me to make you something else?

No, I already ordered something to be delivered. She smirked, that would throw him off.

Okay, well if you want me to make you something, just let me know.

She looked at her phone in shock. She had to admit she was expecting him to be upset that she refused his cooking and got fast food instead.

"I'm trying..."

She looked up to see North leaning in the door way, "North," She whispered.

"I'm trying to accept you not needing me as much," he admitted. "I admit it's bothering me that you got fast food instead but I also glad you got you something to eat. So, I'm trying..."

"Thank you," she smiled as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," North said pushing off the doorframe and left the room. She started saving her work then the phone rang. "Taylor Homes, how can I help you?" North walked back into the room and leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed as he watched her write away on the notepad. "Of course, yes, that works just fine with me. Alright, yes, see you then. Have a nice day. Good-bye."

Just as he opened his mouth to say something, the girls started crying. "I got them, your taco bell taco salad is on the counter. Eat, Baby."

"Yay, thank you," she beamed as she stood. He chuckled and shook his head as he headed down the hallway to the girls.

"Hey..." Marc smiled as he walked into the house and saw North holding both girls. "Where's Beautiful?"

"In the kitchen, hopefully eating," North answered honestly.

"I am," she said with a mouth full of food. "I'm being good. I swear," she swallowed and smiled, "this is the best thing ever."

"Ouch," Marc and North said at the same time making her laugh.

"If you can make this somehow even better than I will take it back," she smirked, "but I seriously doubt it. I mean these little red spicy strips mixed in are yummy."

"You just had to challenge us didn't you, Beautiful," Marc chuckled.

"I don't know what you are talking about," she shook her head then took another bite. Her phone beeped and she huffed as she saw the notification. "Tag you're it, I have to go." She kissed the girl's head while grabbing her car keys. "I have to go handle a rental problem, there's a leak in the pipes at one of the houses."

"Can Silas go with you?" Marc asked as he took Asteria from North.

Vera's eyes lit up, "that would actually be perfect. If he's not busy, that is. Then I won't have to call around finding one that's available."

"He won't mind one bit, I promise," North smiled softly. "Well, he might be a tad bit hurt that you didn't think of asking him first."

"I just—"

"Who's going to be hurt?" Silas asked as he walked into the house. "Girls just wake up?"

"Just a bit ago," North nodded. "And you."

"How will I be hurt?" Silas asked confused.

"Your precious Angelos Mou forgot you have plumbing experience and was actually thinking of calling around to other companies," North smirked.

"Well, I haven't done plumbing in quite a bit," Silas shrugged, "it makes sense she forgot. So, what's going on?"

"Some pipes are leaking in one of the rental houses," She explained, "that's all I know right now."

"Alright, I'll go grab my stuff and meet you at my car," he said kissing her head then quickly headed back to the mansion.

"There's milk stored and rice in the pantry," she said, "and clean bottles in the dishwasher. Oh and clean clothes in the—"

"We got it, Baby," North interrupted, "we know where everything is, now go."

"Alright," she nodded and kissed the girls again then left.

"Ready?" Silas asked and she nodded as she got into his car. "Where we off to?" She gave him the address and he nodded while pulling out of the driveway.

"Shhhh," Silas whispered when North opened the door after Silas turned off the car. "She fell asleep on the way back. I don't think she got a lot of sleep last night, she said the girls are going through sleep regression right now."

"I'll put her to bed," North whispered as he carefully scooped her out of the car. "The rental house?"

"Easy fix," Silas whispered. "We'll keep the girls with us so she can get some much-needed sleep."

"We just need to make sure we leave a note, so she doesn't panic," North whispered and Silas nodded. He laid her on the bed and removed her shoes. Just as he was pulling the covers up, she grabbed his arm and tried to pull him into the bed with her. "Baby," he whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair.

She pouted, "Cuddle, North Star, Silas."

"Okay, Baby," He beamed as he continued to run his fingers through her hair, "Just let me text the rest of the guys to let them know what's going on." He pulled his phone out, sent a quick text then removed his shoes and got into bed.

Silas got into the bed shortly after, "Silas?" she murmured as he wrapped his arm around her.

"I'm here, Angelos Mou," he whispered. "The guys have the girls, go to sleep."

The months passed, Uncle returned home and was so pleased with how Vera was running the rentals that he handed the properties over to her to continue running. He was spending more and more time with Erica, which no one was surprised in the least.

"Hey Darling—"

"Get over here NOW!" She whispered loudly then hung up the phone. She beamed when she saw the men rush into the house. "Go get Daddies," She beamed as she let go of Selene's hands.

Owen dropped to his knees as Selene took a couple of steps toward the men. "Yay!" the men applauded as Asteria followed right after Selene.

Vera smiled as the men took turns celebrating and watching the girls start to walk.

"You okay, Pookie?" Sean asked as he sat next to her.

"Yeah," She smiled softly as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Okay," He whispered. "Thank you for this."

"You are their fathers," she shrugged. "I knew you would want to experience this."

"I wasn't talking about just this," he waved toward the girls. "I was also talking about this," he gently lifted up her left hand that held her engagement ring. "For giving us a second chance."

"Well," she smiled softly, "you proved to everyone, including me, that you would do whatever it took to allow me to be me and for us to become a family at my terms."

"You certainly tested us," he chuckled.

"I did," She agreed, "but you love being challenged so it worked out just fine for us."

"It did," he smiled softly. "As much as it scared us back then, we are now so thankful for that police officer and the phone call."

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