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Five days later, the team was finally back in Quantico. Diana let out a huge yawn as she turned off her desk light and grabbed her bag. However, she managed to knock it off the desk. Her papers spilled everywhere, completely covering the floor. She groaned and went to pick them up, as she heard everyone calling bye to her.

"Thanks for the help," she muttered sarcastically. She was trying to organize them in some way shape or form before stuffing all of the papers back in her folder.

"Need a hand?" She heard a voice ask. She looked up and saw Spencer towering over her-even more so than usual. She smiled.

"That'd be great, thanks," she told him. He bent down and organized the papers with her. They stayed like that for a few minutes until everything was safely back in her bag. They then both stood up and walked out to the parking lot.

"You doing anything for your birthday?" Reid asked casually. "I know it was almost a week ago, but you never really celebrated." Diana shook her head.

"That one night JJ brought me ice cream, we had a mini party," she explained. "That's all the celebration I need." Reid laughed, and Diana gave him a look.

"Hey, you must remember how much I hate parties!" she said through her giggles."My mom tried throwing me that one that one time, and only you showed up."

Reid nodded as they reached the parking lot. "I remember tha-" he trailed off as Diana stopped walking. "What's wrong?"

Diana felt faint. "M-my car's gone," she said, squinting. She searched the parking lot with her eyes, and nothing.

"Are you sure you just don't see it?" Reid asked. Diana rolled her eyes.

"Spencer, I drive a chilli red Mini Cooper, and the parking lot's half empty," she said patiently. "It's sorta hard to miss." He nodded.

"We can look for it in the morning," he told her soothingly. "I'll give you a ride home." Diana shook her head.

"O-okay. Thanks," she said as she followed him to his car. She couldn't tell what it was, but it was very Spencer. She climbed in the passenger seat and shut her door, buckling up her seat belt.

"Turn left here," she told him. They mostly rode in silence, as Spencer was trying to concentrate. Diana noticed how slow he was going.

"Spencer, you're a turtle!" she told him with a giggle as she pointed to the speedometer. He shrugged at her teasing.

"I don't wanna miss your road," he told her truthfully. Twenty minutes later they arrived in front of Diana's apartment building, where her car was parked in it's usual place.

"What?" she said, confused. Spencer shrugged.

"Want me to walk you up?" he asked. She nodded, grateful he couldn't see her blush. The walked to the lobby, and Spencer held the door open for her. They got into the elevator and zoomed up to the third floor where they then walked to her door. However, Diana stopped a few feet short. There were voices in there.

"Who's in there?" Diana demanded. She dove for the doorknob, but the people on the other side were faster, and they locked it, Diana threw her bag aside and drew her gun, and she saw Spencer rescue her bag.

"Diana-" he said, looking like he was torn between worrying and laughing.

Not stopping to hear and explanation, she kicked the door open.

"FBI, hands u-"


Diana let out a yell and dropped her gun. Standing in her decorated living room was the rest of her team. They'd put up streamers on her bookshelves and had a small table with a cake on it. Diana looked around at their amused faces.

"Guys!" she said hotly, face burning. "That wasn't funny! Who took my car?" Garcia jingled the keys from the corner. Unable to be mad, she laughed.

"You guys scared the crap out of me," she told them, picking up her gun and pulling Spencer in the door. "I haven't had a birthday party in years."

Everyone began their separate conversations, and Diana glanced over at JJ, who was watching Morgan, who was looking at Reid...who was staring right at her. She blushed and returned to her talk with Garcia about cars.

Morgan grabbed Reid and pulled him into the kicthen, saying something about ice cream. Once there, he turned to the younger agent. "So, Pretty Boy, when are you going to ask her out?" Reid blushed.

"I don't like Diana!" he said firmly.

"Nice try Spencer, but you've been staring at her all night," Morgan said in a matter-of-fact sorta way. "Just ask the girl out for a drink."

Spencer shook his head quickly. "Absolutely not, she doesn't' drink."

"Then take her to your favorite bookstore or something!" the older of the pair said in an exasperated tone. "The point is, if you don't make a move, some other boy will." Spencer thought about that as they carried two cartons of ice cream back into the living room.

"Time for cake!" Prentiss declared. "But first..." Diana felt something being slipped on her head. She glanced in one of her few mirrors by the door and saw that it was a birthday cake hat. She laughed, feeling stupid. They lit the candles and sang to her.

"Make a wish!" Garcia reminded her.

"Can I take this thing off?"

"No! Now wish!"

Diana closed her eyes and blew out her candles. Rossi got a knife and was about to cut it when JJ reminded her, "If it comes out dirty, you're supposed to kiss the person closest to you." Diana frowned.

"I remember that from when I was little, but it always comes out dir-" sure enough, the knife came out covered in cake. Everyone laughed and Diana, blushing, grabbed Reid's tie to pull him down to her height. She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Face burning, she turned to the rest of the group. "Can we please eat this thing now?"

They all devoured the cake and ate quickly, and people soon began to leave. Soon, it was just Diana and Spencer were left.

"Want any help with the clean up?" Spencer asked, refusing to remember how soft her lips had felt.

"Yeah, that'd be great," Diana replied casually, ignoring the thought of how cute he looked when he blushed.They took down the streamers and put away the food, talking idly about nothing in particular. Soon they were crashed on Diana's huge chair, Diana sitting in it and Spencer sitting on the arm. Diana was talking about how her cousin was visiting tomorrow, and the light from her lamp was making her brown hair shine. With a jolt, Spencer remembered Morgan's words;

If you don't make a move, some other boy will.

"Hey, Diana?" he said, interrupting her. She looked up at him with wide, brown eyes.


"Um...before your cousin comes over...d'you want to maybe go check out a book store with me? I go there all the time and it has loads of book..." Spencer trailed off awkwardly. However, to his delight, Diana smiled.

"Yeah, that sounds awesome!" she agreed. "Will you just come by here, or-""Yeah, I'll pick you up at twelve," Spencer answered, sounding way more confident. He got up to leave, and Diana followed him. He turned around to tell her bye, but instead of speaking, Diana wrapped her arms around his waist, giving him a quick hug. She let go and stepped back quickly.

"I know you don't really do hugs, but thought you could make an exception for your best friend," she told him, a slight blush lingering on her cheeks. He smiled, ignoring his also red face.

"No," he told her. "I don't mind."

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