Pretty Close

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"Spencer Reid, you tell me where we're going right no-oh my god, absolutely not."

Diana stopped in her tracks, staring at the scene before her. Reid was standing on the beach of a bay, where a rowboat was waiting. Spencer gave her a pleading look. "Please? It'll be fun. And we can watch the sun set on the city." Diana raised her eyebrows.

"Spence..." she hesitated, "You know I don't swim well..."

"Which is why we won't tip," he explained with confidence. "Now come on, get in." Diana sighed and climbed into the rowboat, shaking. Spence teetered in after, rocking the boat slightly. After settling in he grabbed the oars and began rowing them away from shore.

Despite the constant rocking motion, Diana had to admit she was enjoying herself. She'd even go as far as saying she was having fun. They were pretty far from shore by now, and Diana was excited to see how pretty it is.

"It's gorgeous," she sighed. Spencer smiled.

"Still not as pretty as you," he told her. Diana rolled her eyes and grinned, still watching the colors dance across the sky. Reid watched her for a few minutes, entranced, before speaking up.

"Diana, you know i love you, right?" he asked her.

"Of course," she replied immediately. "I love you too."

"Well, lately, I've been thinking, and..." he mumbled, unsure of how to continue. He suddenly pointed over her shoulder. "Oh wow, look at that." In truth that part of the sky was no more dazzling than the rest, but Diana looked anyway. There was a bit of shuffling and when she looked back Spencer was holding a black velvet box holding a small ring.

"What?" Diana asked, completely lost. Spencer sighed.

"Lately I've been thinking about how much I love you, and I realized I can't imagine ever losing you," he explained. "So...will you marry me?" Diana's eyes grew wide with comprehension, and she leaned forward to give him a hug. Unfortunately she moved too fast and tipped the boat, spilling them into the water.

Diana bobbed to the surface, laughing. Spencer came up next to her, gasping for air. "Yes!" she replied, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Yes, a million times."

The wedding was in October, taking place-to Diana's delight-in Chapel Hill.

Two years later they had a baby girl named Jane Harper, who grew up as smart as her parents and who married her childhood sweetheart Henry, son of JJ.

They also had a son named Oliver Luke, who followed in his mother's original footsteps and became a teacher.

Diana and Spencer didn't live happily ever after...but came pretty close.

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