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Even though the clock told her she had plenty of time, Diana couldn't help but feel as though she was going to be late. She glanced down at her outfit, made up of a red dress, tights, and ballet flats. Diana saw she was missing nothing. The frazzled girl grabbed her suitcase and dashed out of her apartment.

"Going somewhere?" The hotel owner, James, asked as she hurried through the lobby.

"First day on the job!" She called as she ran past the front desk.

"Good luck!" he called, shaking his head. For a certified genius, she didn't usually have a steady job. She was always busy getting some new PHD.

Diana scanned the parking lot, searching for her Mini Cooper. After spying the red car, she hurried across to it. She slipped into her seat and turned the key into the ignition, slightly out of breath. The drive to work was basically Diana racing the clock. In her opinion, if you weren't five minutes early you were late She was required to be there at 8:00, and she parked at precisely 7:52. Diana sat back and breathed a sigh of relief before exiting her car and quickly climbing the steps of the FBI building. She'd be joining a team not only as Agent Smith, but as Dr. Smith thanks to her hard work.

She approached the front desk with caution.

"Um, excuse me," she began, "It's my first day here..."

The lady smiled. "No problem. Let's get you some paper work.."

A painful half an hour later Smith was sitting in her new office. She only had a few more documents to sign. As she began to read them, Agent Jennifer Jareau walked by. She saw the new girl scanning her paper work.

"Um, sorry," she said as she knocked on the door. "You actually have to read that."

Diana looked up in confusion. "Oh, I was. I read pretty fast."

JJ smiled, leaning against the doorframe. "How fast?" She didn't want to come off as rude, but she was honestly interested.

Diana thought for a moment before answering. "About twenty thousand words a minute, on a good day."

JJ's eyes widened in amazement. "That's amazing! Anyways, I was sent to get you. It's time to meet the rest of the team, starting with me. I'm Agent Jennifer Jareau, but you can call me JJ."

Diana got up and shook her hand. "I'm Dr. Smith, but you can call me Diana."

JJ smiled at the title, thinking of Spence. It was looking like he had some competition. "Alright Diana, let's go meet everyone." They walked down a long hallway and turned left into a room where various people were standing around a table socializing.

"Hey, guys!" JJ called above the noise. 'This is the new agent, Dr. Diana Smith." Diana gave a small awkward wave. One Italian looking man spoke up.

"Aren't you a bit young to be a Doctor?" he asked. The others mumbled in agreement.

"No!" Diana snapped. She realized how defensive she sounded and backed off a little. "Well, maybe. Sort of. I'm twenty six, but I have three PHD's and a couple bachelor's." The man's eyes widened in surprise.

"How'd you do that?" A seemingly cheery blonde woman asked. Diana blushed.

"I finished high school...early," She replied carefully. Diana hated talking about her education. It always made her feel as though she was bragging.

"How early?" JJ asked. Diana sighed. There was no way getting out of this one.

"I finished high school when I was twelve," Diana admitted. "I have an IQ of 189." As she heard everyone's gasps of shock, she couldn't help but feel a little bit proud.

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