Love Stalemate

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Once Diana got back to her room, her head was spinning. Garcia was sitting in the living room, waiting for her.

"Did you do it?" she asked, excited. She looked at her.

"Do what?" she said stupidly. Garcia rolled her eyes.

"Kiss him!" she exclaimed. Diana turned bright red and nodded.

"Yeah, she said faintly. "I...I kissed Spencer." She grinned after that.

Garcia, after squeezing every little detail out of Diana about the evening, left. Afterwards Diana fell asleep in her chair with a small smile on her face.

The rest of the weekend was uneventful. It was mostly Diana reading, and she averaged around seven books a day. Though she waited for Spencer to call or text her, he didn't. In fact, come Monday morning, it was like he had dropped off of the face of the world.

Diana got into work early that morning, hoping to talk to Spencer. She was beginning to worry she'd screwed things up. Right after she sat down, Emily and JJ had crowded around her desk.

"Did you really do it?" Emily asked, clearly shocked. Diana looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Do what?" she repeated her response to Garcia from a couple nights ago, but the grin on her face gave her away.

"She did," JJ told Emily. "You can see it. Wow, it's about time Spencer got a girlfriend."

Diana rolled her eyes as she got out her paperwork from the previous case. "I don't know if we're dating!" she told them. "I don't even know if we're going to go out again. He hasn't talked to me at all since know."

Morgan came over and clapped me on the back. "Congratulations, kid," he told me. I sighed.

"Really?" I asked. "You too?" He laughed and looked at the door.

"Spencer!" he called him over. Diana looked up quickly and gave him a weak smile. Spencer walked over, cheeks heating up.

"Hey everyone," he said, glancing at Diana.

"Hey," she responded, heart pounding. Morgan laughed and walked away. The others dispersed as well, leaving the two of them alone.

"I had fun this weekend," she said lamely. He nodded.

"Me too," he agreed. "Um, look about the, er, kiss-" Diana stopped him.

"Sorry about that," she said, completely mortified. He raised his eyebrows.

"Don't be sorry, it's okay." He blushed. "More than okay, actually." Diana grinned despite herself.

"Thanks," she replied. "Do you want to go grab coffee after work? I mean, if we don't get a case."

He smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that a lot."

Hotch came in then, so he walked back over to his desk. Diana saw Hotch cast her a curious glance, but he didn't say anything. The only other agent who had no comment was Rossi, but he was smirking whenever she and Spencer were within three feet of each other.

Diana finished early, and got the go ahead to leave work a few minutes before six. She lingered for a bit and pretended to straighten her desk until Spence finished, and then they left together.

"Everyone was smirking," Diana giggled after the elevator doors shut. Spencer sighed heavily, worry on his face. "Oh, come on. It's not that bad, is it?"

"I didn't know they'd make such a big deal out of it," he answered in an apologetic tone. Diana became aware that he was looking everywhere but her. "Maybe it's best if we didn-"

"No," she said, suddenly feeling sick. "No way you're about to break up with me in an elevator two days after our very first date when I'm not even sure if we're dating in the first place. No friggin' way."

Spencer blinked. "I wasn't breaking up with you. I was going to say 'Maybe it's best if we didn't tell everyone when we have a date."

Diana blinked back. "Oh. Well, great then." They walked to their own cars and drove to the coffee shop. The rest of the time they were very much together. They talked and drank coffee for hours, and Spencer even held her hand through part of it. As they drove home alone that night, each one could only think of the other.

Over the course of the next few months, they became a sort-of couple. At work they were no more friendly than in the beginning, with addition of many little smiles when Hotch wasn't around. When they were off of work, however, they were an actual couple. Diana felt like a new person whenever Spencer was around. She was talking to JJ about it one day after work when they'd gone out to dinner together.

"Around other people I always felt like just a statistic machine," she explained in between sips of her water. "Around him I feel like an actual person."

"Ah, young love," she replied. Diana looked at her strangely.

"He doesn't love me," she scoffed. "The average human takes approximately 6-8 months to first say the words 'I love you'. Spencer and I have known each other for 4. We've been dating for 3."

JJ raised her eyebrow at the girl before her. "And since when are either of you average?" Diana grinned, her answer ready.

"As geniuses, our emotional quota is actually lower, and therefore it will take us longer to realize if we love one another-and that's one hell of an if," she explained. "Next topic, please."

However, over the next three weeks, Diana began pondering the question. Did she love him? She wasn't sure, and didn't know how to be sure. For once, all of the education Diana had gotten had failed her. She had no idea what love felt like.

Sure, she associated him with things she loved. Coffee, books, learning. She got the same peaceful feeling inside when she thought about him that she got when she thought about her family. Finally she decided to call Fay, who'd sworn she'd been in love so many times Diana had lost count.

"It doesn't make any sense," Diana exclaimed over the phone. "How do I know?"

"I am going to ask you a question, and you have to answer honesty," her cousin told her. "All crap aside, could you see yourself spending the rest of your life with him?" Diana blushed, but tried to actual entertain the idea. She finally realized that she couldn't see doing it with anyone else.

"Shit," Diana cursed, heart speeding up.

"There's your answer," Fay responded. And she hung up.

Diana was flustered next time she saw Spencer, stuttering and even getting a fact wrong. When he asked JJ about it later, she refused to disclose any information. Diana went home that night without a word, to embarrassed from the entire day to speak. Ash she was driving home she realized a startling thought.

Both she and Spencer were much to shy to ever admit anything along the lines of 'I love you.' They'd go on only dating forever, not going anywhere. She was caught in a love stalemate.

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