Chapter 13

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Hurricane stared at the dragon as she turned, looking at him in shock. Her violet eyes widened in surprise.
"Hurricane?" Thunderbird stared at him in surprise. She was an electric-blue dragon with purple and white streaks. Her tail flicked. "I...You're here?"
"I am." Hurricane nodded. Barak looked between them with wide eyes. "Ohhhh!"
Thunderbird flung herself at Hurricane, embracing him in her wings. "Oh, my baby!"
A laugh bubbles up inside of Hurricane, and he couldn't help but let it out. "Mom!"
"I'm so glad you're here!" Thunderbird smiled and pulled back, examining Hurricane. "You've grown quite a lot!"
"So, TB, is it?" Hurricane asked jokingly. Thunderbird shrugged. "Oh, dragons just started calling me that. I don't mind, really."
Hurricane looked over Thunderbird and saw that one of her legs were twisted in an odd position, and had a scar on it. "What happened?"
"Oh, a few SpectreWings. Its nothing to worry about, really." Thunderbird flicked her tail. "It's why I stay here. Oh, have you met Thunderclap yet? She's absolutely wonderful, such a nice dragonet. She took care of me on my first few days."
"I haven't, not yet." Hurricane chuckled. "She's a dragonet?"
"Oh, she's way older than you." Thunderbird smiled. "Almost an adult, actually. Goldenscale put her in charge of the army. She was one of the first dragons to get here, and suggested that the dragons who couldn't make it to the palace stay over here."
"Really?" Hurricane fell into step beside Thunderbird as she got up and began to limp over to the archway.
"Really!" Thunderbird nodded. "Thunderclap is a great dragonet. She and a few others were escaping the SpectreWings when they were attacked. She and five others made it, most of the dragons died."
"Oh." Hurricane blinked. "I, actually, uh..I have a friend who's a SpectreWing."
"Really?" Thunderbird glanced over at him with curiosity. "Tell me about them."
"She's...threatening." Hurricane said under her breath, "But I've gotten used to her by now. Her name is Spirit and she's being nicer to me now. Actually, without her, we wouldn't have escaped."
"She helped you?" Thunderbird glanced over at him, looking surprised.
"She did." Hurricane nodded nervously, not sure how she would react.
"Then I have to thank her!" Thunderbird looked around. "If she's the reason that I'm reunited with my baby, then I owe her a great load."
Hurricane let out a sigh of relief. He'd been afraid that Thunderbird would be disapproving of Spirit.
"Hey, mom?" Hurricane asked.
"Yeah?" Thunderbird glanced over at him.
"What's that feeling you get when you look at someone and you feel this really warm feeling in your chest and you feel like there are butterflies in your stomach, and your brain gets scrambled and it's hard for you to talk?" Hurricane asked, meeting her gaze.
Thunderbird let out an amused laugh. "Oh, honey, that's-"
"I found the SpectreWing!" Barak yelped, bouncing up to Thunderbird. "She's over there, I think she's in trouble!"
"Oh!" Thunderbird's eyes widened."Let's go help her. I do need to thank her, after all."
"Alright." Hurricane sighed. He hadn't got his answer...
Hurricane followed Thunderbird as she limped through the crowd, finally making it to Spirit, who was surrounded by StormWings.
"Hurricane?" Spirit yelped.
"Spirit, I didn't know where you went so I just assumed you went ahead and-"
"You need to learn how to use less words with more meaning." Spirit observed.
"You can let her go, she's with me." Hurricane murmured.
"Come on," Thunderbird said with warmth and humor in her voice, "You can stop harassing her."
The group of dragons around Spirit dispersed. 
"Well, nice to meet you. If they had known you were with Hurricane, none of that would've happened." Thunderbird said apologetically.
Spirit shrugged, looking grumpy. "Happens, apparently."
"Once again, I'm sorry." Thunderbird dipped her head. "I owe you my love and pride."
Spirit's eyes widened. "W-What? No, that's unnecessary, I-"
"Nonsense." Thunderbird glanced over at Hurricane, who wanted to disappear. His mother was embarrassing him! In front of Spirit! He would never, ever hear the end of this.
"I'm sorry, I can't accept that." Spirit said, her eyes wide. "B-But I'm glad to know that you're happy."
Thunderbird sighed. "Alright." She relented. "But if you ever need help, I'll be here."
"I'll keep that in mind." Spirit nodded quickly. "Hey, Hurricane, do you have a moment?"
Hurricane sighed. "Yeah."
"Alright then." Thunderbird looked amused, though Hurricane wasn't sure why. "I'll go. If you need me, I'm usually in my room."
"Thanks, mom." Hurricane nodded and watched her leave.
"Wow, she is extreme." Spirit laughed. Hurricane bristled. "Hey!"
"What?" Spirit shook herself. "All I did was give you a key, and she's here offering me her love and pride. What's that even supposed to mean?"
"That she loves me." Hurricane pouted, "And I don't appreciate you being mean to my mother."
"I'm not!" Spirit laughed. "But you have to admit, that was a bit extra."
Hurricane looked away. "I guess..."
"Anyways, have you seen the others?" Spirit asked.
"Nope." Hurricane shook his head. "Anyways, I want to go talk with my mother some more. You can look for them, if you want."
"I think I'll do that, thanks." Spirit turned and flew off.
Hurricane looked over his shoulder and unfurled his wings, flying over to the room where Thunderbird had been in. Sure enough, she was there, and Barak was there, too.
"Oh, hi Hurricane!" Barak chirped, offering a friendly grin. "I was just talking with Thunderbird about you!"
"You were?" Hurricane blinked at him, and he nodded. "Yep!"
"Come on, darling, I want to give you a grand tour!" Thunderbird elegantly swept her wing in an arc over the form of the crowd outside. Hurricane looked over at her with wide eyes. "A tour?"
"A tour." Thunderbird nodded. "Follow me!"
Hurricane nodded. Finally, things were starting to piece together. Almost like a puzzle; Hurricane just had to trust every piece to fall into play.

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