˗ˏˋlast saturday night'ˎ˗

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Who would've thought Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson would be sitting in a store aisle smoking and drinking off their problems? It's even more confusing that Steve hasn't drunk in so long. Must be that bad huh? Of course it's the opposite for his friend Eddie Munson, who drinks almost every day. Speaking of friends, it's safe to say the two have a massive crush on each other but obviously won't speak of it. For one, it is the roughest time to be queer and for two, Steve is embarrassed to admit he's fallen for the freak of Hawkins, Eddie thinks Steve is straight, and they're both having a queer crisis. Who knows, maybe in their drunken state they'll admit their feelings for each other?

"Sounds like you need a lazy Sunday, King Steve."

"Shut up freak."


"You, Steve Harrington, drunk? Tell me I'm dreaming." Eddie laughed at his own words and slapped his knee. He created a picture in his mind which made him laugh even harder. "Would you be quiet Munson? We're in public, christ." Eddie's laughter echoed inside the giant store. Everyone stared at them. What made it worse was it was 10 PM so everyone was hella tired and was NOT trying to deal with two hooligans running around the store and yelling. The two even heard a child say "Mommy, why are they being weird?" And the mom blinded the kids eyes with her hand and walked away.

"You see that Munson? They think you're weird." Steve straightened his jean jacket and tried to cover his face in a way of saying "I don't know this guy." "Uh, Harrington, the kid said THEY. Plural man." Eddie gave Steve a hard pat on the back. He swerved to the side because Eddie's pats genuinely kinda hurt. "Dude can we just get the cigarettes and leave?" Uh oh, Steve was getting annoyed. "Yeah yeah, you're such a party shitter." Eddie sped up his walking and left Steve in the dust. "Isn't it- Isn't it party pooper?!" Steve shouted. He quickly discarded the thought, shook his head, and ran to catch up with the energetic bunch.

"Damn it Munson, you're gonna get us kicked out." A store employee had walked by and glanced at the two. "Relax Stevie, don't be so anxious man." Eddie raked a hand through his bangs while looking through shelves for a particular brand of cigarettes. "Can you stop calling me Stevie?" Steve rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. In reality, he actually enjoyed the nicknames Eddie gave him. Stevie, pretty boy, pretty much anything. Huge emphasis on pretty boy.

"Sure Stevie." Eddie chuckled and grabbed 2 packs of cigarettes. But then he started walking the opposite way of the check out. "The cashier is that way, where are you going man!?" Steve sighed and followed the other man. They ended up in the liquor aisle. "Seriously dude. It's 10 at night and you're going to drink?" Steve asked and slapped his forehead. "It's never too late to party Harrington!" Eddie said in a sing song voice and a sly smirk on his face. They walked through the aisle until Eddie found the usual beer he always gets.

Steve had a confused look on his face when Eddie sat leaned on the shelf and popped open the bottle cap. "Oh my fucking god Munson, are you serious?" Steve groaned and reluctantly sat down on the other side of Eddie knowing he had no other choice. "I can't believe you dragged me into this shit." Steve leaned his head back on the shelf. Eddie just tore open the pack of cigarettes and pulled his lighter out his pocket. "Chill man. Nobody is gonna come over here. Why're you so worked up?" He looked at Steve while he lit his cigarette. "Oh I don't know, maybe because we're sitting on the dirty store floors and you're smoking cigarettes. That's just what I personally think though." Steve says with sarcasm and stared at Eddie.

"Don't be so tense Steve." Eddie gripped the beer bottle next to him and held it in front of the tired, irritated man in front of him. "No. No way I'm drinking." Steve pushed the bottle away from his face. "It's not that bad Harrington. Besides, what do you have to lose?" Once again he held the bottle back up to Steve's face. He was hesitant but he grabbed the bottle and took a small sip of it. "Don't be a pussy Harrington." Eddie gripped the bottom side of the bottle and pushed it further up Steve's mouth so he drank a lot more. "Jesus christ Munson." Surprisingly Steve was a lot less angry than Eddie thought he would be. But he did have a sour kind of look on his face.

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