˗ˏˋtattooed coffee'ˎ˗

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(Nsfw chapter; kinktober edition !! this chapter includes multiple prompts from charliec0rpse's steddie list on twt and some prompts i added myself, since i missed  literally all the days and i have no excuse hahaha.. anyways, this content involves deepthroating, hair pulling, marking, mirror sex, after care, and recorded sex yayyyyy!!! and modern au and platonic stobin. also i have no idea how tattoos work and im not going to look it up so bare with me pls.. this was highly inspired by melonalemonades tattoo artist steddie au so enjoyyyy hheheeh..)

Lately Steve's been getting the shivers - the good kind - whenever one particular customer comes in for the same order every day since about six or seven months ago. Now, that customer just happens to be his boyfriend. Steve works at the local cafe with his best friend, Robin, and it's no doubt that she knows what's going on between him and Eddie Munson, the tattooist who works just next door. Oh, how Steve becomes a whole new person around his boyfriend. It's quite cute actually. Clearly he is head over heels for him. And who can blame him? Eddie has the most luscious brunette curls, piercings that bring out his nice facial features, and his tattoos. The tattoos that Steve can stare at all day. So when Eddie asks Steve to stop by the tattoo shop, how can he deny it?


Steve waved one hand to his customer as she left. He sighed in relief right after he saw the door shut with a jingle and the girl disappear. "Rob, my shift is over!"He shouted out from behind him. He then reached behind himself and untied his black apron.

"I'm not that much of an idiot Stevie," Robin replies back in a normal tone of voice. She shut the wooden door behind her, stuffing her phone in her pocket with one hand and holding a white cloth in the other. "how much did we make this week?" She leans and takes a look at a jar with a tips label on the front of it. "Almost five hundred. Including card payments."

Steve reached above the counter and set his apron on a nearby bar stool. Robin nodded in improvement, stretching one arm around Steve's shoulder all the way to the other. "Definitely a breakthrough from last week." She rested her head down on the man's shoulder, along with her own hand. 

"Tired?" Steve asks and looks down at Robin. "Are you kidding me? I got minus zero hours of sleep last night thinking of what it would be like if aliens invaded the universe." She yawned. "Jeez. I'm really sorry, that I can't relate." Steve lets out a small giggle and moves away, letting Robin slip off his shoulder.

Suddenly the two heard the door jingle, and immediately focused on it. The door swung open and in came Eddie. "Oh, hey Eddie! Steve was wondering why you didn't come in today." Steve made a face at Robin and gave her a hidden punch on the arm. She gave a forced smile, indicating that genuinely hurt.

"What she meant was that we both were wondering where you were." Steve corrects Robin and watches as Eddie leans against the marble brick counter. "Oh, thing one and thing two were worrying about me? Isn't that so sweet," Eddie's lips turn up. 

"if you must know, the shop was packed as shit today. Had to stay and take a break after this one girl wouldn't stop screaming at me for not doing my job right because it hurt. She wanted a huge fucking dragon on her thigh. Aaand she came out with a giant outline of what looks like a sperm."

Robin immediately cracked a laugh, and Steve couldn't help but laugh softly alongside her. "She was just being a little cry baby. It really doesn't hurt that much unless you're not experienced with tattoos like her and want a big one." Eddie pushed himself off the counter and bent down. He was looking at the pastries stored below. "Trying to be different today?" Steve tapped the counter with his fingers.

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