˗ˏˋone rainy night'ˎ˗

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(Slight nsfw warning? It's really just the two of them making out when Steve wants to go further but Eddie stops him.)

Never in his life would Eddie Munson expect to be kicked out of his trailer by his uncle. But at the same time, he probably should have expected it. To be fair, he was smoking and drinking inside and he left everything a mess and his room was cluttered 24/7. Maybe his uncle just got tired and said 'Fuck it, hes 20, he'll find somewhere to go.' and Eddie did find somewhere to go, he just had to walk an hour in the rain at midnight all the way to Steve Harrington's house. He got lucky his parents were always out of town, unless he would've been sleeping outside with only his black skeleton hoodie and black sweatpants. At least he got to bring some of his stuff along with him.

Wayne bursted through Eddie's door, and took a glance around the room that for some reason, smelled highly like gasoline. Eddie jumped when he heard the door slam into the wall. It created a small dent. ¨Didn't I tell you to clean up here before I left Eddie?¨ Wayne exhaled loudly and slapped his hand on his forehead. Eddie didn't respond. He heard his uncle, but he didn't say anything at all. He completely forgot what Wayne told him to do.

¨You- No, it's fine. If you want to live by your own rules, then so be it.¨ Eddie cocked his eyebrow, then chuckled. He didn't take Wayne's words seriously. But he was being a hundred percent serious. ¨Pack your stuff. I am not dealing with this anymore.¨ For a second Eddie still called bull. But he finally realized Wayne was serious when he threw one of Eddie's backpacks at his chest.


And that's how Eddie found himself walking on the alone streets to his friend, Steve Harrington's house. Eddie kicked some small rocks along the way, and he could barely see via most of the street lights being off. And if they were on, they were flickering and dim. His only source of lights were the gas stations lights. If he could, hed take his car, but he lost it after it got towed for being parked in front of a sign that specifically said 'No stopping, parking, or standing'.

He debated on walking to Dustin or Nancy's house, but he remembered they actually have parents, that were home at least. And he didn't want to disturb them at twelve in the morning. So Steve was really the only option he had, and he wasn't complaining. The two had become pretty good friends after the whole Vecna attack, and everything was well. They knew everything about each other. Eddie even felt comfortable coming out to Steve, and soon enough Steve told Eddie he was bisexual. It was also raining pretty hard, so Eddie was pretty soaked.

After what seemed like hours of walking, Eddie finally made it to Steve's front yard. He saw that Steve's room light was on, so he decided Steve had to be awake. What psycho sleeps with the lights on? He walked over beside where the pool was, and widened his eyes to find where the ladder was. This was just to be safe, in case his parents were actually home. He scanned around the house until he spotted it by the door.

So he jogged over and grabbed it, then lined it up against Steve's window. He climbed up and knocked on the glass window. The rain made the stairs of the ladder kind of slippery. He waited a couple seconds then knocked again when Steve didn't open it. The curtain was closed, but it had a crack where Eddie could see where the light was coming from. It just isn't open enough for him to see if anyone was in there. Eddie got tired of waiting so he decided to bang on the door and that seemed to do the trick.

Steve opened his curtains and window in a flash right before Eddie was gonna bang again, and it highkey scared Eddie when Steve popped up with his bat with nails rammed into it. ¨Jeez, Harrington, no need to pull the bat on me!¨ Eddie held his hands up in defense but quickly stopped when he started to lose balance on the ladder. Steve sighed in relief and dropped his bat. ¨What the hell are you doing? I'm too tired for this.¨ He held out his hand to assist Eddie into getting through the window and to the room. Eddie gladly took it and pushed himself up.

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