˗ˏˋsext me.ˎ˗

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(Nsfw warning! Chapter includes: Sex through phone, 'after care', modern au, dom Steve Harrington, sub Eddie Munson.)

Eddie spent all day inside his trailer today. Which is quite unusual, he and Steve are always out somewhere where nobody could find them or disturb them. So why tonight? Turns out there was a huge blizzard that not even the news could have predicted and now everyone is snowed in and can't go anywhere. Eddie was absolutely pissed. He and his boyfriend had plans like always. Of course they could text and call, but it wasn't the same. Eddie needed to see his boyfriend badly. He wanted to feel his touch, smell that same cologne he always wears, run his fingers through Steves soft auburn brown hair. He knew Steve felt the same, so when Steve texted him late at night, Eddie decided to take matters into his own hands..

Eddie stared outside his bedroom window. His eyes were blank, body stiff, and knuckles bundled up so tight they turned white. He declared the sight he was looking at to be ridiculous. The window was coated with a thick layer of snow. Under that layer he could see a glimpse of the road and the roof of another trailer literally being suffocated with snow.

¨This is fuckin' bull..¨He mumbled and closed his matte black curtains with aggressiveness. His teeth clenched and the air surrounding him was cold. Although Eddie loved the winter, he despised how snow could ruin any plans he had in a matter of seconds. In an attempt to push the blizzard out of his mind, Eddie grabbed his guitar and played a few songs that reminded him of Steve.

A lot of people may find what Eddie does weird, or his relationship with Steve weird in general, but they both love it. Steve loves Eddie's humor and flirtatiousness, and Eddie loves Steve's affection and how caring he is.

Eddie's fingers eventually grew tired from strumming strings and his voice began to ache from singing. He cleared his throat and hung the guitar back on his wall, and of course didn't let it go before planting a kiss on each of the strings. Eddie threw himself back on his bed, which creaked when he landed on it. He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, reading each of the sticky notes he stuck on the ceiling.

Each one had words stated from some of Eddie's favorite band members. What most people don't know is that he didn't stick them up there just for decoration, he put them up there because it calms and relaxes him. It's like stargazing, but instead of looking at stars and the dark night sky, you're looking at post it notes and an off-white ceiling.

Eddie quickly got bored of it and he knew why. He missed Steve. Maybe it was the fact he was wearing Steve's old Hawkins High jacket. But he was also hungry. But he missed Steve more. He sighed and rolled over to the left of him, facing his nightstand.

He grabbed his phone in one hand and his LED light remote in the other. With the remote he switched the color of the lights from purple to dark red, then sloppily placed it back on the stand. Except it didn't go on the stand. It fell on the floor.

¨Stop making all that noise Eddie!¨ He heard his uncle Wayne suddenly shout from the living room. Eddie didn't respond. He instead mocked him jokingly. ¨Stop making all that noise Eddie, get off the phone and go to bed Eddie!¨ Eddie whispered to himself in a low pitched voice. He chuckled quietly and pushed the button on his phone to turn it on. The brightness made him squint his eyes and blink a few times before finally entering his passcode.

Eddie scrolled through social media for a while. Looking at all his friends recent posts, watching youtube, and posting stuff himself. This went on for some time before he got a notification that 'harrington' with a bunch of black and red heart emojis texted him.

¨Hey :).¨

Was all Steve texted. But a simple hey was enough for Eddie, who was just excited Steve texted him. He immediately pressed the notification and started typing back frantically.

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