˗ˏˋi dream of you'ˎ˗

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(CW: Mentions of self harm)

The first few days after Steve, Robin, and Nancy defeated Vecna, Steve started experiencing some terrible dreams. They were all different, some were about the Demobats, some were about Max and the graveyard, and some were about Vecna himself. But the ones he got the most were about Eddie. Eddie and how he came so close to dying. Eddie and the pain in his eyes. They were getting so bad to the point Steve had to sleep with the lights on, no ifs, ands, or buts. Robin often made fun of Steve for sleeping with the lights on, and it wasn't her fault. Steve never told anyone but Eddie about his dreams. Even though they lived through the same nightmare, he just couldn't bring himself to tell anybody else. Nobody else could comfort him like Eddie did. They shared the same problem, and they were dating.


¨He's dead, Steve.¨ Nancy gently put her hand on Steve's shoulder. Steve shook his head and continued crying hard as he tried his best to not look at Eddie's seemingly lifeless body. He was laid flat on the ground, bleeding everywhere. ¨No, he's not. He isn't!¨ Steve protested over and over again that Eddie was alive. ¨Steve.¨ Robin kneeled down beside Steve, who used her as his personal crying pillow. He buried his face into Robins jacket and cried. He glanced over for a moment and caught a glimpse of Eddie's body once again. He looked even worse. Steve reached his hand over to Eddies and intertwined the twos fingers together. Eddies blood-

Steve shot up in his bed in a cold sweat, gasping for air and looking around at his surroundings. 'Just another shitty nightmare.' He thought and calmed down a little. Steve whipped his head to peer outside of his window, and saw it was still nighttime. He hummed in distress and pushed himself off his bed. Looking around for something to put on, he found a white shirt and black joggers and picked them up.

He threw the shirt on himself and slid the pants on. Then he went straight to the phone to call someone. He dialed the numbers in and held the phone up to his ear. He waited, but nobody answered. He sighed and dialed the number again. It was a few seconds before someone picked up. ¨Munson? Are- Are you there?¨ Steve whispered. He didn't want to be too loud just in case Eddie's uncle was home. ¨Yeah. What's wrong?¨ Eddie responded in a normal tone of voice. He was quick to worry about Steve.

¨Can I come over? Only if your uncle is sleep.¨ 

¨Uh, sure. The old man is knocked out anyways. You okay?¨

¨It's these fucking nightmares again. I can't go to sleep without waking up.¨

¨Shit, me neither.¨

¨I'll just see you when I get there. Love you.¨

¨Love you too.¨

Steve hung up and quickly hung the phone back on the wall. He dug in his pockets for his keys and put on his shoes at the same time. He unlocked the front door and let himself out. The door shut behind him, and he unlocked his car door.


After only ten minutes of driving, Steve made it to the trailer park. He drove around all the trailers until he spotted Eddie's red car, and parked by the sidewalk. He got out of his BMW and jogged up to Eddie's door. Steve knocked a few times and waited while he played with the keys in between his fingers. Eddie was pretty fast to open the door.  Before Eddie could even say anything, Steve ran up and hugged him tightly. 

"Jesus- I missed you too Harrington!" Eddie chuckled nervously and wrapped his arms around Steve. "Let's head to my room yeah?" Eddie suggested after they stood in that position for a little too long. "Shit, I'm sorry. Yeah. Of course." Steve let go and followed Eddie to his room. 

Eddie's room was just a little messy. A few clothes on the floor here and there but that was it. Steve liked Eddie's room. The whole aesthetic of it was pretty, and the mattress was unbelievably soft. They sat down and leaned against the headboard of the bed. "Uh.. I'm sorry if I woke you up." Steve says, not knowing how to start the conversation. 

"You're fine. If anything, I'm glad you woke me up. I'm always here to help you." Eddie laid his hand on top of Steve's. Steve gave Eddie a grateful smile. "What about you?" Steve says. Eddie's smile suddenly switched to a confused face. "Your dreams, what are they about?" Steve asks Eddie. He couldn't help but be curious.

Eddie's confused face then switched to an anxious face, and Steve could tell. "Hey, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Steve reassured Eddie and rested his hand on Eddie's knee. "I woke up from a nightmare about Chrissy, and I thought.." Eddie looked over at Steve and took his jacket off, revealing his black tank top. 

"..You didn't hurt yourself, did you?" Steve grabbed ahold of Eddie's arms and examined them. Both of them only seemed to have healed scars on them. "Still two months clean." Eddie proceeded to move his arms away from Steve. The silence between the two was awfully loud right now, until Eddie rather abruptly broke it. "Harrington, you don't need to worry about me. I'm fine. You deserve to be cared about too."

Steve nodded and brought Eddie down into a laying position then cuddled up to him. He wrapped his arms around Eddie's stomach and tucked his face just below Eddie's neck. "I missed this." Steve whispers and gently plays with Eddie's hair. "I did too.." Eddie rubbed Steve's hands with his own, cold hand. The two made small talk for awhile and eventually, the darkness took them and they fell asleep in a cozy position.

(a/n, i'm sorry this is shorter than most of the other oneshots..-)

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