ˏˋa world full of hate and love'ˎ˗

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(Cw: bullying, blood, fighting, knives, and homophobia. maybe don't read this chapter if you are uncomfortable with any of these things.)

Eddie swore to himself he wouldn't let those assholes get to him. He swore. And now even in his early twenties the shits still follow him around like a toddler. But now it's getting to the point where he gets severely injured, and police are starting to get involved. But even then, they don't do anything. Sure, a little warning, but never a slap on the wrist or even just a night in jail. His boyfriend, who just so happens to be an ex jock, always happened to find Eddie in some random place with a bloody nose or a bruise somewhere on his body before things started getting serious. Now, Eddie would come to Steve with multiple bruises all over his body, deep cuts near his ribs and chest, blood all over his face, and a limp right or left foot. This caused Steve to establish that he and Eddie would go almost everywhere together, and Steve would protect Eddie. But he accidentally breaks it when one autumn day he and Eddie have a cozy little date at lovers lake, and well.. you could probably guess how that goes.


"Well what do you want to listen to then? Since my taste in music is 'horrifically bad'." Steve says as he took the CD out. Earlier, he put on some songs by The Smiths. And Eddie didn't react well at all. Of course he was just joking... maybe. 

"Hmm, let's see," Eddie opens up the glove compartment and scrambles through all the CD's and other things they have stored in it. He picks some up and goes through them, putting the ones he likes in one group on his lap and the others back inside. Once he's done he shuts the compartment and inserts a CD inside the car's player.

After a few seconds of the player processing the CD, the song starts playing. It's 'Heaven and Hell' by Dio. Steve automatically sighs when the music starts. "I take you on such a nice date and you do this to me? I feel quite disrespected, Munson." Steve dramatically says, dropping his hand on his heart as if it had been broken. He was now driving with one hand.

Eddie just chuckles as he proceeds to take out a cigarette and light it. "Don't get like that with me. I should be the one who feels quite disrespected." He took a nice long hit of the joint. "Oh? And why's that?" Steve furrows a brow and turns to look at his metalhead boyfriend when they hit a stop light.

Eddie exhaled, and all the smoke went out the window. He turns down the volume of the song before looking at Steve with a dorky smile. "Because you haven't told me where we're going yet. You might be planning to murder me for fucks sake." Eddie lets out that same familiar laugh.

"Oh shit, you caught me," Steve sarcastically throw has hands up. "ever heard of a surprise love?" He presses his foot on the gas again, now looking straight at the road. "Of course. I can always expect a surprise from none other than Steve Harrington." Eddie shifted in his seat a bit, propping the same cigarette in his mouth again, then exhaled.

"Oh, whatever Ed, you probably knew it was a surprise. Maybe that explains why you're wearing my Hawkins varsity jacket." Steve smiled to himself. The car suddenly came to a stop when he pulled up to an outdoor area with lots of bare trees and colorful leaves that ranged from orange to yellow on the ground.

"Maybe it is," Eddie situated the joint in between his lips once more. He pulled it out after a few seconds, then reached over to Steve. He cupped his boyfriends face, then kissed him, allowing the smoke to enter Steve's mouth.

"maybe it isn't." Eddie whispered. Meanwhile Steve was still processing what just happened. Sure, he and Eddie have shotgunned before. But Jesus Christ, the way it came about... that was so god damn hot. "So we gonna get to this date or should we just gawk at each other?"

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