He comes to visit you

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When the sun rises at 8:40 in the morning, you wake up and stretched your whole body to wake yourself up.

All of sudden, your phone was ringing and it was an incoming call from agoti, you picked up the phone and say hi over the phone.

Y/N: Hello

Agoti: hey y/n, how are you this morning

Y/N: I'm doing fine agoti, so what are you doing now

Agoti: hmm, nothing much. but hey, can I come visit you y/n

Y/N: sure, you can visit me agoti

Agoti: Sweet, I'll come visit you at 9:15 in the morning

Y/N: Okay, see you in a bit

You hanged up the phone and you got out of bed, you fixed your bed to make it nice and neat. Then, you look at the clock to see what time is it.

Y/N: hm, it's 8:47. I have a bit time to take a shower.

You went to take a quick shower before agoti comes visit you, so you went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. When you were finished taking a quick shower, you got out the shower and grabbed your bath robe since it was very soft on you. then, you went inside in your room to put some clothes on that you have to look so fresh on you.

5 minutes later

You looked nice and fresh to see agoti when he comes to visit you when you hear a knock at the door, you looked at the window and it was agoti. Agoti was waving at you and when he was smiling at you.

Agoti: hey y/n, can you unlock the door please

You nod, when you approached the front door. You unlocked the door and it was agoti.

Hey y/n how are you

Agoti gave you a hug and you smiled at him

Y/N: I'm doing good agoti, so you wanted to come visit me.

Yes, I wanted to see you silly

You chuckled for a bit, so you asked agoti if he wants something to drink.

Y/N: you want something to drink agoti

Orange juice is fine y/n

Y/N: alright, go have a seat on the couch agoti

Sounds cool, okay. I'm gonna sit here on the couch.

You went into the kitchen and grabbed a cup, then you opened the refrigerator to get Orange juice for agoti. After that, you poured the juice for agoti. You put it away the Orange juice container inside and closed the refrigerator. You grabbed the cup that it has Orange juice in it, you gave agoti the orange juice.

Y/N: here's your juice agoti

Thanks y/n

Agoti took a sip of his Orange juice, he asked you that you want to hang out with his friend

Hey y/n, you want to hang out with me and my friend

Y/N: I'd love too agoti but what's your friends name agoti

My friends name is tabi y/n, he has the big scull on his face.

Y/N: ah, okay. That sounds awesome agoti.

Agoti looks at the digital clock that says 10:15

I'd better get going y/n, I have to rap battle this little blue hair'ed boy into the void, lets hang out at 1:30 pm in the afternoon with my friend tabi y/n.

Y/N: Alright agoti, good luck rap battling with bf.

Thanks y/n

Agoti smiled and planted a soft kiss on your forehead and he went inside the void to beat bf while
rap battling him. Then, you sat down on the couch and took a quick nap that you were very tired and sleepy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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