Phan - First Feelings

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D/GF/N - Dan's Girlfriend's Name

I watched from my room as Dan brought his girlfriend into the apartment. They sat on the sofa and watched the lion king. I remember when it was just me and Dan watching the lion king huddled together in blankets with a bowl of popcorn but now that has all changed because of his girlfriend. She has taken priority and I've been pushed into the background and Dan hasn't seemed to notice as he is too busy with his girlfriend to give damn about me.

I wish everything was back like it was before, with just me and Dan.

He was sat innocently on the sofa with his girlfriend laughing and joking.

I just wish that he knew how I felt. I just wish he knew what I would give to be in his girlfriend position. Kissing Dan, hugging Dan but he isn't gay. In fact he is as straight as straight can get.

"Hey Phil!" Dan called.

"Yeah." I replied.

"D/GF/N is staying over tonight." Dan told me.

"Oh alright." I replied glumly.

I lay down on my bed and began to think how i was going to tell Dan my feelings.

After a few minutes thinking I had decided how.

"Dan could i speak with you for a minute please. Alone." I asked.

I heard Dan get up off the sofa and walk over to my room. He opened the door and walked in.

"What do you need Phil?" Dan asked.

"I need to be truthful with you and if you hate me after this I wouldn't blame you." I said.

Dan looked worried so I decided to tell him.

"Dan, I have had these feelings for a while now and I guess now feels right to tell you. Whenever I look at you I see nothing but perfection. Whenever you are with your girlfriend I feel jealousy throughout my whole body. I guess what I'm trying to say is Dan I love you and I have always felt this way. This feeling has never left since i met you and it will never leave." I told him.

His face was shocked. I guess I've just lost the only friendship I have and ever will have.

Suddenly Dan grabbed my face and crashed his soft plump lips into mine. Our lips moulded together as if they were made for each other. We pulled away from each other and I had a look of shock plastered across my face. Did he feel the same way or was it all an act?

"Phil I feel the same way and have done since I met you I was just afraid that you didn't feel the same way. I had girlfriends just to see if the feelings would in time disappear but they stayed and got stronger." Dan told me.

"I'll go break it to D/GF/N." Dan said.

"Okay." I replied.

I followed him and I was shocked at the outcome.

D/GF/N took it really well and she was really happy for us both.

D/GF/N comes over to ours often but not as Dan's girlfriend but as our friend.

Everything went back to normal and me and Dan were happily together.

Hi guys this is my first ever imagine so if it is crap I apologise. This was written for @emma_simpsonn . Stay awesome.

-FallOutGirl19 -

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