Preference - Missing each other (Part Two)

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Dan: You want him back. In fact you need him. You've left your boyfriend so all that is left is to get Dan back. You just hope he wants you as much as you want him.
You stood outside of his doorway. Your legs are shaking under you like they could give way at any moment. You brought your fist to the door and knocked. What felt like a lifetime passed and you was just about to give up and leave when all of a sudden the door opened and there was Dan but it wasn't the Dan you knew once before. This Dan seemed lost. This Dan seemed like he'd lost something. This is what you'd done to him.
"I'm so so sorry." You said to him.
"It's fine. You're here now. Why are you here? Not that I don't want you here." Dan said to you.
"I should have never left you. It was the biggest mistake I ever made. I love you, I always have and always will and I hope you feel the same way too. I only went out with someone else to try and get over you but I couldn't. I'm so so sorry." You cried.
"I have always loved you and of course I feel the same way. It hurt when you left but I'm so glad you're back. I've missed you so much. I'm willing to take you back if that is really what you want." Dan said to you.
"Of course I do. I love you so so much." You said to Dan.
He brought his hand to face and pulled you close he then pressed his lips to yours.
You were both happy at last. 

Phil: You were sat at home when all of a sudden the phone rang. You picked it up and saw a name you'd been dreading to see 'Phil'. You pressed accept and listened to what he had to say.
"Hey. I'm so sorry for what I did. I should have never left you. I regret what I did." Phil said.
"It's been months. Why only now are you speaking to me about this?" You asked him.
"I meant to but I could think of the right words to say." Phil said.
"What did I do wrong? Why did you leave?" You cried.
"You did nothing wrong. I don't know why I left. A part of me decided wrongfully to leave you and I regretted that decision and have done ever since. In is you so much and I love you with all of my heart. If you want then we can back together but if not then I totally understand." Phil said to you.
"What about your girlfriend now? You can't date 2 girls Phil." You asked him.
"She left me a couple of weeks ago. She didn't give me a reason but I think she must have realised that I still love you." Phil said to you.
"Am I just your rebound Phil? Will you leave me in a few weeks? If that's what this is then you might as well just end the call now." You said to him getting fed up.
"I promise to you that this isn't what you think this is. I've always loved you and always will. If you want me then I'm here but if not that's fine and I understand." Phil said to you.
"I'll take you back Phil on one condition, the first sign of any funny business or of me being a rebound or that you don't really want me back and I'll leave and I won't come back. I love you Phil." You said to him.
"I love you too. I'm so glad we've sorted this out." He said to you.
"Me too. It's getting late so I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow at my house." You said to him.
"See you at your house tomorrow. I love you. Have a good sleep." Phil said.
"I love you too. Sleep well. Bye." You said.
"Bye." Phil said.
You then ended the call with the biggest smile on your face and nothing could take it away.

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