Preference - You Accidentally Hit Him

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Dan: You had just cooked a meal and you were taking it out of the oven when you suddenly heard a groan in pain. You place the hot tray on top of the oven and turn around to see Dan holding his crotch area.

"What did I do?" You asked scared. 

"Well when you were getting the tray out of the oven you kind of elbowed me in the..." Dan said to you.

"Oh. Sorry Dan. I didn't mean to. Sit down and I'll bring you your food." You told him.

He sat down and you put his food on the plate and gave him his food. You sat next to him with your food. Then you kissed his cheek to try to make him feel better. 

"I am really sorry babe." You told him.

"Its fine. It kind of was my fault for standing behind you it just means I'm gonna be out of action for a while if you know what I mean." Dan said and you burst out laughing.

Phil: You were having a relaxing sleep when all of a sudden you were being shook.

Instinctively you woke up and your arms were all over the place in a panic.

You heard a load groan and you opened your eyes to see Phil holding his eye.

"Phil did I do that?" You asked him. He just slowly nodded.

You felt tears fall down your cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Phil. I will understand if you hate me and won't talk to me again." You said crying.

Phil wiped your tears away.

"I don't hate you. It was an accident. I have hit Dan accidentally before and we don't hate each other. Accidents happen." Phil told you.

You felt relief fall onto you because Phil wasn't mad at you.

You led Phil into the bathroom and it was only then that you had seen that he had a black eye.

You got a wet flannel and held it on his eye.

"I really am sorry. I am so sor..." Phil interrupted you by placing a kiss on your lips. He then said

"It really is fine. Trust me."

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