Sleepless night

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"listen to the songs above while readingggggggggg and enjoyy"

Naeyon POV

We reached home in the flash of light, it's funny how the universe works, when we want something to not end, it will end before we even realize it and when we just want it to end it will take forever.

does god have that much fun playing with our life like this? everything that happened in Jia's house was pure fake they all just want the people to think that we are perfect. we still can be perfect with true love right? but they just want to hurt us.

what we did was not right and it's not forgettable so in their eyes what they are doing is perfectly fine and they are taking their revenge. why don't they just kill us? they want to see our pain, our tears.

it's been years and they still didn't know the full story.

it will be a really noisy night today because of Lisa, she did a really good thing but she should have remembered about the consequences of it she is just a child to everyone as she is the youngest here and we are going to hear her painful scream tonight.

oh god just please, isn't it enough for you?

"Nayeon, go and bring me some water," said my sweet husband with his usual cold voice making me say "okay" I moved to the kitchen and bring him some water.

he extended his hand and take the glass from my hand giving me a small glance, my heart broke thinking about those days when he used to smile so widely at me when I bring him something.

everything changed so fast right? "Your acting was amazing" he mocked me and started scrolling on his phone. we were acting so lovely and sweetly in her house and wow he thinks I am also faking it? wait yes in his eyes I am nothing but a whore he used to be the light in my life but now he is the reason that my life had completely turned dark.

it's been 4 years since our marriage was done and the first two years were like a magical love story but then everything changed and it seems that he doesn't have any problem with that.

No matter how many times they promise you or how many times they tell us that they understand you but those are just the words to make us believe and fall in love harder and at last we will be the one who is suffering. 

"NO, NO PLEASE LEAVE ME-" I looked back and saw Jungkook dragging Lisa to their room, My heart felt like it can't hold it anymore as I heard her scream. "Jungkook-ah leaves her to please," jisoo Eonnie said running behind them but before that Jin oppa had already stopped Eonnie to go further. 

"Jin-, she is just- tell her to leave her just please, Only this time I will do anything for you please leave her" Eonnnie begged and her voice which I always love to hear was now filled with pain, 'pathetic'.

"SHUT UP JISOO!" everyone flinched. "she was just going to ruin our reputation so she deserves it now come I am sleepy you are also coming with me," he said dragging her away.

"Everyone, It's going to be 11 so make sure you all sleep before that, and, no matter what you hear today no one will come out of your room until it's time for you to wake up." Yoongi oppa said loudly and everyone said yes even Though we don't want to.

"then? GO TO YOUR ROOM!" he shouted which made all the girls rush to our room, as he is the scariest in this house.

Meanwhile Taehyung POV

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