The Basement

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Author POV

Jin opened his eyes, feeling aching sensations throughout his body, particularly in his head. As he focused on clearing his vision, he looked around, bewildered by his surroundings.

"Where am I?" he whispered, noticing his hands bound to a chair under the sole illumination of a solitary yellow bulb dangling from the ceiling. The basement emitted an eerie atmosphere that made Jin uneasy. The stench of dirt and blood sickened him, filling the room.

Gradually, he began regaining consciousness, recalling a conversation with his mother in the living room before being struck by something metallic. Now, he found himself tied to a chair in this unfamiliar place. His head throbbed intensely, his forehead adorned with dried blood. Tears welled up in his eyes as he grappled with the overwhelming situation, exacerbated by the discomfort caused by the tight ropes constricting his movements.

Suddenly, Jin heard faint, indistinct voices coming from a particular direction. His gaze swiftly darted toward the source, where he spotted a grimy, cramped cage. He discerned signs of movement there, realizing that someone was trapped inside as subtle shifts and motions caught his attention.

"Who is there?" Jin croaked out a question, his throat parched, but received only silence in response, which left him perplexed. His head was already pounding, and the sounds emanating from the person within the cage only intensified his discomfort.

 Amidst this, a creaking door noise echoed from the staircase, signaling someone's approach in his direction. It wasn't fear that gripped him, but a surge of nerves, hoping against hope that the approaching individual wasn't the person he feared it might be.

He saw the shining black shoes and there he was, The person who he feared, In front of him with a dirty smile dancing on his lips. 

"Ah, who do we have here? Do you realize how stunning you appear, even with those bruises? You're almost a mirror image of my dear departed adopted brother. Oh, my mistake, I meant my late adopted brother. Surprisingly, you'd question your dear uncle, my beloved stepson. You shouldn't have exerted yourself so much, trying to figure it all out, only to find yourself in this situation, now, should you?"

"YOU.FUCKING.BASTARD" Jin unleashed a piercing scream, his fury coursing through every vein, rendering him unable to quell his intense emotions. All he could grasp was the undeniable truth: this imbecile had murdered his father.

Tears streamed down his face incessantly, his countenance appearing on the verge of eruption. Yet, Huan merely chuckled at Jin's pitiful state, further stoking Jin's already boiling rage.

"Why, does it sting, being betrayed? Oh, don't worry. It'll improve because soon you'll depart from this world and reunite with your father. Although, I highly doubt he retains a face, considering the myriad of ways I've carved it up. You have no idea, Jin, the sacrifices it took for me to ascend to my current position. It was arduous, but I've accomplished everything—except those pesky documents. But I'll obtain those too, using you as my pawn. Then, I'll reign over the Kim empire. I'll ascend to the throne, and as for your remaining brother, I'll toss him into a cell for your murder. Hahaha!" Huan said while again laughing at his step-son

"I will never let your sick ambitions come to fruition! You're a vile creature, reveling in others' pain. My father's face may be scarred by your heinous acts, but his spirit remains untainted. You think you've climbed some ladder of power, but you're nothing but a coward preying on the innocent. My brothers won't suffer for a crime they didn't commit, and I'll make sure justice prevails, even if it costs me my life. You won't win, and your twisted reign will crumble into nothingness!"

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