Kick Your ass

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Author's Point of View:

After parking the van on the sidewalk, everyone exited and began their assigned tasks given by Jimin. Yoongi and Namjoon were to casually approach the front gate and distract the bodyguards.

Meanwhile, Jimin, Jhope, and Jungkook were tasked with finding the tunnel, a secret passage leading to the basement. Jia and Taehyung remained in the van, ready for further instructions, planning to cut the CCTV cameras surrounding the area.

Jennie and her team waited for Yoongi and Namjoon's signal to enter the house. Being well-trained for missions and urgent situations, the Kim boys knew how to handle themselves in such scenarios.

Yoongi's Point of View:

Namjoon and I got into the car prepared by Jennie and honked in front of the gate. The security guards, upon seeing us, opened the gate. I took a deep breath, unsure of what to expect.

As we stepped out of the car, we faced two bodyguards who seemed ready to attack at any moment. While Namjoon and I knew how to fight, they were armed, and we only had chloroform.


"We're here to see Dad," Namjoon said casually, trying to maintain our composure. "No one is allowed in here, so I suggest you leave," replied the more intimidating of the two guards, both holding guns.

"We need to see him immediately. He called us here, so step aside," Namjoon insisted, while I silently prayed for cooperation. But, realistically, they weren't likely to comply.

"Sir, with all due respect, leave now," said the other guard, drawing his gun and advancing towards Namjoon. I cursed under my breath.

"How dare you refuse our orders, you bastards! Step aside this instant!" I shouted, hoping to intimidate them. They didn't budge, instead pointing their guns at me and namjoon

Author POV

As tension crackled in the air, Namjoon's gaze remained steady, unwavering even as the stranger's gun pointed directly at him. His muscles tensed, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. The stranger's grip tightened on the firearm, a silent threat echoing through the stale air of the mansion's foyer.

"We are told to shoot anyone who wants to enter this mansion," the stranger declared, his voice edged with determination.

Namjoon, however, showed no signs of backing down. With a cool confidence, he countered, "And we are told to kick ass."

In a flash of movement, Namjoon lunged forward, his training kicking in as adrenaline surged through his veins. The gunman reacted swiftly, pulling the trigger in a desperate attempt to stop Namjoon's advance. But Namjoon was quicker, sidestepping the shot with practiced ease.

Meanwhile, across the room, Yoongi faced off against another adversary. Unlike Namjoon's foe, this one refused to sit in silence. With a snarl, he charged at Yoongi, fists raised in a menacing gesture.

Yoongi, known for his quick reflexes and tactical prowess, didn't flinch. As the assailant closed in, Yoongi ducked and weaved, evading each blow with graceful precision. With a swift movement, Yoongi countered, delivering a series of calculated strikes that left his opponent reeling.

Back to Namjoon's confrontation, with a fluid motion, Namjoon closed the distance between him and the gunman, his fist connecting solidly with the gunman's jaw. The impact reverberated through the room, momentarily stunning the assailant. Seizing the opportunity, Namjoon disarmed him, sending the weapon clattering to the floor.

The two adversaries circled each other, each assessing the other's next move. Namjoon's eyes narrowed in focus, his mind calculating the best course of action. Without warning, the gunman lunged forward, aiming to grapple Namjoon to the ground. But Namjoon was ready, his reflexes honed from years of training.

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