Amity Park

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In the streets of a small town known as Amity Park aka the most haunted place in America we watch as three teens walk down a sidewalk  talking with each other. One of the teens is a dark skinned boy with glasses, a red beret, yellow shirt, green pants and a PDA in his hand. He plays with it as he's walking.

The second teen is a goth female with black hair a section of it tied in a pony tail, violet eyes, a black shirt, black and green skirt and combat boots.

The third teen is a boy with black messy hair, blue eyes, a white tee shirt with red on it, and jeans. He was looking  around nervously.

The goth looked at her distressed friend and rolled her eyes.
"Danny, just because no ghosts have showed up lately doesn't mean their planning something big."
She said annoyed. 

The boy with the PDA nodded                 "Sam's right dude, there's probably nothing to worry about."

Sam turned to the boy with the PDA    "Thank you Tucker." She remarked sarcastically

Danny looked at his friends and sternly said                                                   "I know guys, but I just can't shake the feeling that somethings up. I mean Skulker hasn't come for my pelt for days when he at least tries to hunt me once everyday."          

Sam and Tucker shared concerned glances                                                          "I'm sure the ghosts are just on vacation or something, I mean the un dead might want a break from haunting places and causing trouble right?" Tucker said  reasurely.

 Danny sighed "Yeah Tuck you're right it's probably nothing."                              

Tucker nodded his head and then went back to looking at his PDA
Suddenly a blue whisp of air escaped Danny's mouth and disappeared into the air.

"Finally some action." He said relived
Danny ran into the nearest alleyway followed by his friends, he looked around then yelled his signature catch phase.

Suddenly a blue-white ring appeared at his waist and split, one half went up the other down. His shirt and jeans transformed into a black jumpsuit with white gloves and shoes with a white, ghostly looking D on his chest, his eyes went from blue to an acid green and his hair turned from a raven black to snowy white. Danny became his ghostly half Danny Phantom.            

Danny flew up into the air leaving his two friends on the ground to serve as backup in case things go wrong. Danny flew over to where he was hearing the commotion. He was lead to a small store with people running out of it screaming so he phases through the store from to see what was going on when he was met with a starting                                                                                                             

Danny mentally face palmed as in the back of the shop floated a ghost wearing overalls and a beanie throwing boxes at people.

Then the ghost noticed Danny and floated over to him and threw his arms up in a somewhat menacing
"I the FEARED Box-Ghost have been waiting for you ghost boy!"                                                                                    
Danny sighed, annoyed at the ghost
and asked                                      
"Alright Boxy, what do you want?"                                                                        
The Box-Ghost then said.          
"There is a great threat and I was the only nly one out of your feared ghostly enemies who was brave enough to adventure out of the safety of the ghost zone to come and warn you!"

Danny raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.                                                                                                          
The Box-Ghost looked sheepishly.
"Alright fine, I picked the shortest stick, but there is still a great force even powerful and worse then us ghosts at bay!"

Danny shivered at that thought and looked at the box ghost.                
"What do you mean?" He asked                                                                             
The Box-Ghost thought for a moment before answering.                              
"It's a great demon from a different dimension and he wants to take over the WORLD!"                                              

Danny looked the ghost with a concerned expression, terrified he asked
"Is that all?"

The Box-Ghost shook his head.
Danny then pulled out a thermos and said
"Thanks for the warning Boxy but I'm still gonna have to capture you."

Danny opened the contraption and a blue light shot out of it encasing the Box-Ghost in it. As the Box-Ghost was sucked in he shouted
"I may have let you win this time ghost boy! But next time you won't be so lucky, cause I am the BOX-GHOST, BEWARE!" And at that the Box-Ghost was in the thermos.

Danny capped it and flew out of the store back to his friends, he changed back to his human half when the coast was clear.

"Well Danny, did that ghost fight re-assure you that nothing bad was going on?" Sam questioned.

Danny shook his head "No the opposite."  

Tucker and Sam stared at him with worried expressions, Danny continued
"The Box-Ghost told me there was a huge threat and that's what the ghosts are all in hiding."

Tucker and Sam shivered
"Are you sure that's what he said Danny?" Tucker asked.

Danny shook his head. Then a green portal opened up.... Right beneath him and he fell through with a terrified and confused scream. It closed the second he went through leaving behind a very confused Sam and Tucker.

"Umm, what just happened?" Tucker questioned. Sam stared at the spot Danny just was and slowly said
"I think Danny was just sent to another dimension or something."

Tucker and Sam shared the same worried looked about their missing friend, now they had a bit on their plate meanwhile Danny is gonna go on the adventure of his life, Er after life.

Me: Aannnnnnnddd scene!
Danny: (crosses arms) and where did you just send me too?
Me: (looks innocently) Not me...
Mable: Hey author when are me and Dipper gonna show up?
Me: (pats her on the head) Soon my little friend, soon
Dipper: I still don't get what's happening 
Me: And I want it to stay that way! Anyways back to the story! Also theme song time! It's a mash up.

(Starts with the beginning of Danny Phantom theme) He's a Phantom, Danny Phantom (base drop into Gravity Falls theme) It goes through the introduction of the Gravity Falls characters as it normally does (then it returns to Danny's theme) When he first woke up he realized he has snow-white hair and glowing green eyes ( then the background music goes to the Gravity Falls theme while the vocals over theme are saying gonna catch them all cause he's Danny Phantomx3) then the song ends with a Danny Phantom themed title card where it's a picture of Danny, Dipper, and Mable facing Bill with the title Phantom Falls, it's a dimensional horror! On it.

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