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Dipper watched Danny as he left, the second he was sure Danny was out of earshot he turned to Mable
"Mable did Danny seem a little weird to you?"
Mable looked at her brother
"Pffft Dipper you think everyone is suspicious."
Offended Dipper replied with
"No I do not!" Mable laughed
"Cue flashback!" She said

(Note: What is in the flashbacks wasn't in the actual show but I thought what I came up with was funny, so enjoy)

Flashback 1: Dipper is reading in his journal about a creature that appears human but it has two different colored eyes and at night it turns into a monster, at the very moment a women walked into the gift shop who happened to have two different color eyes. Dipper freaked out stood up grabbed, his chair and using it he chased the poor lady out, turned out she wasn't a monster but a world renowned journalist who Stan invited to try to give the Mystery Shack a good name. Let's say Stan wasn't so happy with the results she gave him.

Flashback 2: Dipper is reading about a creature who can't be seen but can take on the voices of a persons loved ones to lure them into its trap. Dipper then hears Mable call his name so he gets up and goes to the living room to see Mable's not there and he takes off screaming and running yelling "Bogon, BOGON!" (Idk just thought that be a good name for the creature.) From behind the couch Mable's head peeps out from it, her plan to jumpscare her brother failed, or did it?

*Back to present day*

Dipper rubs his arm
"Ok, I'll admit those times were mistakes,... But I'm sure about this one!"
Mable crosses her arms
"Alright Dipper, then tell me what you think Danny is. No let me guess,... A GHOST?!"

Dipper shakes his head
"No, but I do know he not exactly human either."
Mable gave her brother a questioning look.
"Think about it." Dipper continued "What is Danny a teen boy doing all by himself, and he seemed to come out of the middle of nowhere, I've never seen someone like him."
Mable laughed
"Bro bro, you've reading too much of that book. Danny's parents could of been waiting for him outside, and of course you've never seen anyone like him, he's not from around here."

Dipper knew Mable had a point but something about Danny, it wasn't right.

Me: Haha Dipper is really paranoid isn't he?
Dipper: On shut up
Mable: Ha but you are
Me: Anyways back to the reading!

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