The Halfa

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Danny looked at his audience of four. Dipper jumped up and down.
"Well I suppose since your awake now, I've got a few questions for you Danny."
Dipper pulled out his journal and flipped to one of its many empty pages he then looks at Danny
"If that's okay with you." He added

Danny shrugged, he knew he owed a few answers to the twins considering that they one, figured out his secret themselves and two, they did help him with his injuries.
"Alright Dipper, ask away." He said "Okay, okay, okay, so, question one is your name actually Danny Phantom?" Danny looked at Dipper and smiled "Well in my human half my name is Danny Fenton, in my ghost half its Danny Phantom."
Dipper was writing down what Danny was saying in his journal.

"Wait, your not gonna show that to anyone are you?" Danny asked Dipper looked at Danny then his journal
"Oh, no, no, no, this is just personal research, I promise I'm not gonna show anyone." He replied.
"Okay good, next question." Danny remarked
"Question two, where are you from?" "Amitypark Illinois."
"Amitypark? That's not a real place." Dipper thought out loud
"Different dimension." Danny answered back.
"Oh ok, wait did you say different dimension?" Dipper asked
"Yep, onto next question please." Danny carelessly remarked.

Danny felt a bit uncomfortable answering Dippers questions, especially with the new people, Wendy and Soos who he met only once.

But he owed Dipper for the help he gave him so here he is, answering the questions of a brainy 12 year old while he droughts the answers down in his journal.

"Number three, what exactly are you?"
Danny paused at that question, what was he? He has wondered that time to time but he's always just settled for ghost-human hybrid. He wasn't sure what he was going to say but he answered the pre-teen as best as he could
"I guess I'm half ghost half human, some call me the halfa."
Wendy perked up "So your like half dead?" She asked. Danny shrugged, he never thought of it that way.
"I guess so." Danny responded with "That is like so cool!" Wendy replied back. Danny blushed.

(b4 we go on disclaimer, THIS IS NOT A SHIP, I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A SHIP, I DONT SHIP THESE TWO TOGETHER, I STICK WITH THE DANNYXSAM PAIRING even though I don't like that pairing...Oof)

The ghosts always called him a "freak." He could tell even Bill thought so, to hear a person not think his powers made him a freak was nice.

Mable pipped up
"We should really let Danny get more rest, he took a lot of blows from Bill and that robot."
"Skulker." Danny corrected, but Mable was right, he did feel worn out and tired, his injuries hurt a lot too.
"But I suppose you can't really go to your family at your hotel can you?" Mable then asked
"Yeh no, their in Amitypark, I made the part of being with them up." Danny sadly answered.

"Oh, well you can stay with us at the Mystery Shack if Grunkle Stan will allow it."
Mable offered
"Yeh good idea." Dipper added
"I guess that's the only choice I got." Danny agreed.
"Great, I'll go ask Grunkle Stan if you can stay!"
Mable excitedly said
Mable looked around and quickly added
"Well I have to find him first though." "Mhmmm where is Stan anyways?" Dipper asked Wendy and Soos. Wendy shrugged
" I haven't seen Mr. Pines since this morning." Dipper looked over to Soos to get his answer
"I don't know dude, Mr. Pines said he was going on some errands and not to come looking for him." Soos said giving his input.

Then suddenly as if on cue Stan walked in and he looked like heck. He had scratches on his body, he looked tired and frustrated, he looked at the four kids and man child who were looking back at him.

"Grunkle Stan! Can our friend Danny stay over here for a little while?" Mable asked. Stan looked at the teenage boy sitting on the couch, he remembered that it was the boy who was at the shack the day before looking for directions. Stan thought the boy was rather odd but Stan has seen weirder things then a awkward 15 year old. Stan shrugged
"Sure sweetie, but only for a couple of nights after that I'm charging." Stan then headed upstairs without another word.

"Great news! You can sleep on the couch Danny."
Mable happily said.
"Yeah yay." Danny distractedly said. He was thinking about Stan. Danny thought is was weird that the old out of shape man randomly walked in out of nowhere wiped out and covered in scratches. But Danny wasn't going to question it, everyone had their secrets right? In the end he was half ghost and that was a pretty big secret.

Me: And end!
Dipper: Where was Stan?
Me: I'm not answering that dude, I'll leave Stans secrets in play for you guys to find out yourselves oh also (pulls out blind eye memory wiper and wipes Dippers and Mables memories.) there better
Danny: Why did you so that?
Me: (Pulls him aside) Because Dipper and Mable are suppose to find out Stans secrets in their main show, I'm not writing them finding it out early. I don't do that
Danny: Oh, okay....
Me: Great! Onto the story!

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