The Mystery Twins, and the Ghost Boy

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Danny spent the rest of the day with Dipper, Mable, and Mables friends till her friends has to go.
Though out the day Dipper kept giving Danny suspicious looks, somethings isn't right with him
"I should probably go back to the hotel before my family misses me too much."
Danny said with a stretch as they were at the Mystery Shack waving bye to Candy and Geranada.
"Aww, really?"
Mable asked
"Yeh it's getting late."
He responded 

Suddenly a blue whisp of air came out of Danny's mouth.
"What was that?" Dipper asked surprised. Danny groaned, a ghost? Now? Why?
"Nothing, but I also have to go."
Danny hurriedly responded as he ran off into the woods.

Dipper and Mable glanced at each other before they ran after him. They followed Danny until he stopped in a clearing. Dipper and Mable quickly found a bush to crouch down behind and hide. Danny looked around
"Okay ghost." He whispered
"Come out."

Than a voice said
"Hello whelp."
They all look up to see a robotic ghost with flaming green hair floating above them.
Danny angrily said. Danny checked around his surroundings clearly missing where Dipper and Mable wete hiding and then he shouted
"I'm going ghost!"

Right then a light blue ring appeared around Danny's waist and separated, in seconds he was wearing a black jumpsuit, he had white hair instead of black and green eyes instead of blue. Dipper and Mable gasped at the sight.

"Danny's the ghost." Whispered Dipper.
Danny floated up to Skulker and looked at the ghost
"Skulker, what are you doing here?" He asked
"Hunting your pelt of course." The ghost replied.

From the bushes we can hear the twins say
Danny sighed "Well I thought that, but how are you here?"
Skulker shrugged
"Feel through a portal."
Danny slumped
"of course."
He thought.
"But on the bright side, it lead me right to my prey..."
Skulker then said. Then guns sprouted out from behind the ghosts back and pointed themselves at Danny
"Any last words whelp?"

Danny gulped and got ready to fight. Skulker smiled and sent two missiles towards Danny.

Danny flew upwards dodging the attack, letting the missiles strick each other creating a small explosion in the sky. Danny then fired a ecto beam at Skulker, but he dodges it and flew up to face Danny.

"I thought you guys were scared of a big scary demon."
Danny said.
Skulker smiled
"We are, but not enough to still have time to hunt you ghost boy."
"Aww and I though you guys were caring about me, warning me and all?"
Danny smirked.
"The Box-Ghost was sent by Clockwork to warn you, he picked the smallest stick he got sent."
Skulker replied.
"Wait, Clockwork is involved in this?" Danny asked

Skulker smiled and didn't reply, instead he shot another round of missiles at Danny, He manages to dodge this attack but barely. Danny glared at Skulker and shot another ecto beam at him, this one hit Skuler in the stomach which caused the ghost to fall backward, Skulker then shot a few more missiles in which one of them scrapes against Danny's right arm, Danny hissed in pain grasping his arm as Skulker shot some ecto blasts at him, one of Skulkers blasts hit Danny in the gut causing Danny to go backwards a bit.

Skulker fired up another ecto cannon which Danny saw, so he turned invisible before Skulker could get a aim on him.
Skulker looked around furiously "Where are you whelp?"
He questioned. At full speed and still invisible Danny flew at Skulker knocking him to the ground.
A small crater was formed where Skulker landed and Danny turned visible pointing his thermos at him. "Looks like the only being you have to fear is me and my thermos."
Danny said as he sucked Skulker into the device.

Danny then leaned against a tree gasping for air and clutching where he got hit, the was green ecto plasm leaking from rips in his jumpsuit in the places he was hit. Danny was about to turn back to human when Dipper jumped out of the bushes followed by Mable
 "I knew it!" Dipper shouted 

Danny: But my secrete was blown, and I got shot in the GUT
Me: Ah you'll be fine don't worry
Mable: You promised me that I'll use my grapple hook, but I do t see it do I?
Me: I said later, in a differnt fight
Dipper: You mean the fight with bu---
Me: Don't you have mystery to solve or somethings Pines? (Then sweetly looks at the audience) back to the story

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