The Ghost Boy

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That kid, Dipper is onto me I just know it." Danny thought as he walked through town. He was following the map Mable gave him, apparently this town has a dinner shaped like a giant log, a huge mansion in the middle of it, and a lake with a supposed sea monster living in it.

He sighed what was he supposed to do here, why did this have to be happening to him, especially since there is apparently an big scary demon who wants to take over the world or even multiverse.

Danny walked pass a group of teens when he heard them talking about ghosts, in which that strikes his attention. He slowed down to and listens to them.

"Yeh that place is totally haunted."
A male teen with long blond hair said. "We saw it with our own eyes!" Another male teen with darker skin and a baseball cap said.
"But I wasn't scared, what can two old ghosts to to me huh?"
A third teen with black hair said. The teens around him gave him a disbelieving look.
"Well it's true."
He akawardly said.
"I just know I'm never going back to Dusk 2 Dawn again."
A teen who had purple hair with pink highlights said as she was typing away on her phone.
"Same here."
Said the last teen who was slightly overweight and had brown hair but he piped up and added
"But I'll go again if you guys want me too."

Danny thought for a moment,
"There are ghosts in this town?" He looked at his map to see if he could find Dusk 2 Dawn on it. After a few seconds of searching he found its little name at the edge of town. Maybe these ghosts can help him, or at the very least serve as something for him to do. Danny decided that he was going to visit Dusk 2 Dawn later that night.

*Later that night*

Danny is walking through the forest following that map (he's still in his human form btw) thanks to enhanced eyesight he could see in the dark.

After what seemed like an hour he finally reached Dusk 2 Dawn. Looking at it he figured it was an abandoned, run down convenient store. Boarded up windows, dusty, old. He approached a fence surrounding the parking lot and stopped, he looked around to make sure no one was watching then 
"I'm going ghost." 
He transformed into Phantom and flew over the fence.

He tried to open the front doors with no luck. They were locked.
"Then we'll just have to do this the old fashioned way."
He murmured to himself. Danny then turned intengible and walked through the wall into the store.

He walked over to the light switches and tried them. To his surprise they worked. He looked around the store. Abandoned freezers, selves filled with old food, and a rack of some stuff called Smile Dip. Danny picked up a packet of Smile Dip and examined it.
"Yeesh, this stuff has a lot of sugar in it."

Then Danny's ghost sense went off and the lights went out Danny turned around to see two old ghosts floating behind him.
"Why hello there young man." The lady ghost said.
Danny looked at her, she seemed nice.
"Um, hello."
He replied. The old man ghost looked at Danny
"Say how old are you boy?"
Danny thought the question was rather weird but he replied anyways "Um, I'm 15..."

Then suddenly the lights started to flicker and the two ghosts erupted in flames together they said in a demonic voice
"So much for a nice, friendly, talk." Thought Danny.

He floated up with ecto plasma beams in his hands ready to fire at any moment
"Alright I wanted a nice friendly conversation, but I guess that isn't gonna happen huh?"
Danny then heard a noise and turned to see the cash register fly at him, Danny managed to dodge it letting it crash against the wall.
"Is that all you got oldies?"
Danny retorted.

Danny shot a ecto beam at the two ghosts knocking them back. They screeched in anger. Danny smirked, these ghosts had nothing on him but he turned around to see the Smile Dip stand racing at him, he had no time to react as it hit him and crushed him under it. He phased through it a bit distorted but shook it off as all around him stuff started to lift and fly at him at alarming speeds, Danny quickly turned intengible then invisible.
"Talk about merchandise flying off the selves." He quietly said."

"Where did he go!?"
The old man ghost said.
Still invisible Danny floated up behind the two old ghosts fired up ecto beams and said
"Looking for me!?"
The two old ghosts turn around to get a face full of ecto beam energy as Danny shoot them. It knocked them back and Danny pulled out his thermos un-capped the lid and sucked up the ghosts.

"I wonder what's their problem." He wondered. Danny flew out of the store and landed at the forest outskirts, then thought about changing back to human but then thought against it. Who was going to be up this late at night watching the skies?

So he flew off into the night sky, he flew over the Mystery Shack but unknown to him a little pair of eyes were watching him as he flew by.

Me: Man, I wrote a fight, I never thought I could write fights!
Danny: It wasn't that epic you know
Me: (pushes him off screen) there will be much more epic battles later on...
Mable: *gasps* Really? Do I get to use my (pulls it out of her pocket) grappling hook?
Me: (Shrugs) Maybe
Mable: Yes! So let's get back to the story so I can use my grappling hook!
Me: Whatever the kid says is fine with me

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