Double Trouble

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Danny, Mable, and Dipper stared up at the vampire ghost.
"Vlad, what are you doing here?" Danny asked
"Well isn't it obvious Daneil? I'm here to either destroy you or get you to join me, your choice." 

Danny rolled his eyes
"I'm never going to join you Vlad, you know this, and as for you destroying me? That's never gonna happen either." Danny stubbornly crossed his arms and looked at Vlad.
Vlad laughed "Well now I got help Daneil, have you ever heard of a being named Bill Cipher?" Fear filled Danny, Dipper, and Mable, if Bill was helping Vlad then that can't be good. Danny was shocked.
"You're lying."
Vlad laughed but his laugh sounded more like Bills instead of Vlad's this time "Oh am I Spooks?"

Danny didn't have a plan, the only plan he had was to stall Bill-Vlad (I'll call him Vill to make it easier) and get the heck out of there. Danny turned to the twins and all he shouted was "Run!"
The twins then turned and ran, going back to the Mystery Shack to get weapons, Danny and Cujo followed behind them, Cujo was back in his large form and Danny was shooting ecto beams at Vill. The four (including Cujo) got into the shack and Danny created a huge echo sheild around it before Vill could get to it.

Vill banged on the sheild and shouted "That's not going to stop us Spooks, we will get in eventually!"

Danny was trying to hold up the sheild to keep Vill out but it was failing quickly.
"What's up with the vampire?" Mable asked as she grabbed her grappling hook (there happy Mable?) Danny sighed and through gasps he said "That's Vlad my arch enemy, he wants to kill my dad, marry my mom, and either kill me or make me join him." "That's just messed up." Dipper remarked.
"Yeah it is, oh also Vlad is half ghost too." Danny replied "Oh and I think you also would like to know, MY SHEILD IS FAILING!

Me: Another odd point to stop at, but in order to write more it's gonna have to be in a new chapter 
Danny: Are we almost done here?
Me: Close
Mable: Yay grappling hook!
Me: Yay next chapter!

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