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In a dimension that's green and filled with floating islands we are met with a spaceship looking vehicle fly though it. In the ship we see to teenagers flying it. Sam and Tucker

"Whoa Tuck, watch where you're flying the Spectrec Speeder will you?" Sam quickly said as they nearly missed a floating rock.
"I am, but it wouldn't matter anyways would it? Humans are the ghosts in the ghost zone."
Tucker replied.
"I know that" Sam snapped
"I just don't want to hit anything that we'll get in trouble with." Tucker rolled his eyes the he looked up to see their destination
"Doesn't matter anyways, we're here." He said.

The vehicle pulled up to a island with a giant clock tower on top of it. Sam and Tucker got out of the ship and walked into the building. There were clocks situated all over the place. Sam and Tucker walked through a corridor till they reached a huge room with more clocks in it. Standing in front of a portal like thing was a cloaked figue, he turned around and we're greeted by Clockwork in his old man form, no wait baby, now man, and back

"I've  been waiting for you two." Clockwork said.
Sam looked at the time master and took a deep breath
"Clockwork, you're going to tell us this straight forward, no riddles, no you'll figue it out in time, just straight forward."
Then she stopped and waited for a response, but Clockwork just blankly look at her, she continued.
"Alright here goes, where's Danny?"

Clockwork looked at her and simply replied
"He's in another dimension."
Sam and Tucker looked at each other and back at Clockwork
They asked in usion.
"Because I need him to be there." Clockwork answered.
"Because there is a threat."
Annoyed Clockwork turned back to what he was watching on his portal without another word. Sam and Tucker looked over his shoulder to see he was watching Danny, and to their horror they saw that Danny was in his ghost form and was scratched up, he was also standing next to two young kids.

"Who are they?"
Asked Tucker while pointing at the two kids.
"Dipper and Mable Pines."
Clockwork responded.
"What happened to Danny?"
Sam asked concerned
"I sent Skulker to attack him." Clockwork replied
Both Sam and Tucker asked.
"So he'll revile himself to the Pine twins."
"But why."
Sam asked
"Because they'll make important allies later."
"But why not send us with him? We already know his secret."
Tucker reponded.
"It was too risky."
Clockwork said back
"Okay, but why is Danny there?"
Sam asked frustrated with Clockwork. "Like I said, there is a threat from the Pines dimension."
Clockwork replied.
"Yes I know that, but what is the threat?!"
Sam said raising her voice. Clockwork was getting on her nerves.
"You'll see." He said

Sam was about to jump and attack Clockwork when Tucker grabbed her to hold her back, in Tucker's grasp she angrily yelled
"Threat? Oh I'll show you a threat, Tucker let me go!"
Clockwork sighed
"I'm sorry but I can't tell you anything else, I promised Time Baby I wouldn't spill too much."
Calming down Sam looked at Clockwork and asked
"Time Baby? Who's that?"
"The being who's in charge of time in the pines universe."
Clockwork responded.
"So I'm guessing we're getting all the information we're gonna get from you now?"
Tucker questioned.
"Mhmm." Clockwork responded.
Sam sighed
"I guess we'll get going now."
" You should, goodbye." Clockwork said returning to his work.

Sam and Tucker walked out of the tower feeling more confused then before.
"Threat, what threat?"
Tucker wondered aloud.
"I don't know, but I don't like the sounds of it."
Sam answered as they climbed back into the Spectrec Speeder
"Oh and I'm driving this time."
At that they flew back to the portal leading back to the human world to break the news they found to a awaiting Jazz.

Me: All right that was a hard chapter to write but I like it
Mable: Soo there's a threat Danny needs me and Dipper help to stop?
Dipper: ITS BA--
Me: (Smacks him) it's not child abuse if he doesn't remember it (uses memory wiper on him)
Dipper: What was I saying... And why does my face hurt?
Me: I dunno, but let's get on with the story.

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