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We are back in Danny's universe and we are outside a certain millionaire, half ghosts mansion (just imagine it I'm to lazy to try and describe it, it's, it's a mansion, Vlads mansion! The Wisconsin one) The camera pans through the gold and green halls to Vlad's room where we see him sleeping cuddled up to a Maddie Fenton doll. We the enter to what Vlad is dreaming (scary) and we are put in a forest with large, gold and green trees (Go Packers!) Vlad is walking through the forest untill Bill shows up.

"Hello Plasumis!" Bill says putting his hand out in a greeting way.
Vlad rejects his greeting and stood in a fighting stance
"I demand to know who you are and where I am!" He shouted at Bill.
Bill put his arms out as if trying to defend himself from an angry animal and said
"Whoa calm down Plasumis, don't want to fight you allies."
Vlad raised an eyebrow and his stance relaxed a bit
"Allies?" He asked
"Sure, I'm here to strick a deal with you." Bill remarked

Vlad looked around at his surroundings.
"Okay but first who are you, where am I, and how do you know my name?" He asked yet again.
"Oh yes where are my manners?" Then Bill answered in order
"My name is Bill Cipher, welcome to the Dream Scape, and I'm a all knowing demon." Then streamers that suspisally look liked human ingestions (ew) poped out from around Bill.

Vlad crossed his arms and looked at Bill.
"Okay then Bill, what is your deal?" He asked. "Simple Plasumis, I'll destroy Jack Fenton, Get Maddie to love you and either get Phantom to join you or destroy him for you, and all you have to do is help me get rid of two annoying twins and their uncle plus a few more people, oh and help me become ruler of the multiverse!"
Vlad looked at Bill.
"I also want some rule over the multiverse." He simply said.
"Done and done!" Bill remarked "Now do we have a deal or what Plasumis?" Bill then held out his hand for Vlad to shake. Vlad gave an evil smile as he shook Bills hand
"Bill my dear friend I believe we do...." Cue evil laugh.

Me: Muwhahahaha
Danny: You've got to be kidding me
Dipper: Who's Vlad?
Danny : Vlad is...
Me: Don't answer that, chances are he'll learn that later

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