Stanley Pines is now Present

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"Wait Mr. Pines, I'm not doing any harm to the twins, I swear." Danny hurriedly claimed.
He may be in his ghost form but Danny knew Stan could probably do some serious damage to him even with no weapon, especially considering Danny didn't want to fight the old man.

"That's what they all say." Stan remarked to Danny's statement

(oh I also decided that Gravity Falls taken after that zombie attack, so Stan shows that he knows of the weird stuff in the town.)

"Stan wait, the ghost is telling the truth." Dipper said "Yeah, Danny would never hurt us!"
Mable added in. Stan looked as his niece and nephew with a quizzical look.
"Wait did you just say the ghosts name is Danny?" He asked.
That was considered strange since the older boy the twins made friends with was also named Danny, and the ghost and human boy looked alike as well.

Dipper and Mable nodded and looked at Danny, it was his secret after all, if he wanted to let Stan know about it, it was his choice, but it looked liked it was either tell Stan or have Stan punch him in the face, so not much options there.

Stan eyed the ghost suspisally
"Alright ghost, I'll give you a chance to prove your not a threat." Danny took a deep breath, he knew he had to blow his secret to Stan.
"Okay, 1 take my word I won't bite, and 2..." Danny slowly said, he then let the blue rings form around his body and transform him from ghost to human.

At first Stan stood there wide jawed looking at Danny but after a second he got himself together and shrugged " Eh, I've seen weirder." He said after a moment.
Danny slouched at Stans comment, for some reason he felt a bit offended at it.

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