Chapter 31

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     A/N:It's been nearly two years since I last updated this story, if you are reading this story I thank you for your patience. I finally stopped neglecting this story and so I began my work on it, do not worry sweet gentleman/lady, I will under not circumstances upload a chapter, wait a year, then upload another chapter. No, I will publish all the chapter after chapter as I am done reviewing them to make sure there are no errors. So with that said expect to eventually see the ending of the story today, if not at the very best tomorrow. 

     And may ask for your opinions on each chapter, would you be kind enough with me and share them in the comments? I want to see what you guys are thinking while reading the story, what sort of errors you might've encounterd alongside reading it, what you guys think I did wrong and I could've improved.     Thank you, my dear readers, enjoy reading.

---*Your POV*---

     Opening up my eyes slightly grunting from pain, I look around as I see myself in the sky, with nothing underneath me but the void "What.. what the fuck happened..?" I decided to slap myself to oblivion but it didn't woke me up from my slumber at all. If all of this is a dream then I should be able to control it right? So I tried using my mind to recreate a beach scenario but to no avail. As I was struggling to understand what's happening, with the corner of my eyes I noticed the clouds being cut in half, making my soul tremble.

     Looking for a way out my head started to ring again as I screamed a little in pain, falling on my knees holding my ears "Well.. well.. if it isn't the savior of little Hariko himself.." Spoke a female voice as I felt myself being picked up by my shirt, opening my eyes I saw a woman whose eyes displayed anger and disappointment, she was also quite tall.. "I'm ashamed for what you did mortal, you most likely know what I'm talking about do you not? Tell me Y/N, why hurting her feelings like that?".

     Surprisingly she had a calm voice, motherly like even, but her eyes told me otherwise "W-What was I supposed to do huh? She was the one acting weird!" She sighs and throwed me on the cloud, floating up as her eyes turned into a bright while, holograming a display which was currently black "I want you to see the aftermath, oh and going on kitsune hunting? HOW STUPID can you be? HUH?! Hmph.." her voice started to show rage as the screen booted up, reavealing a very familiar fox within my knowledge, Hariko.

     She was in the bedroom, her knees at her chest hugging them, as well as her tails wrapped around her legs, hugging them too. She was crying so hard that a small puddle formed around her from the tears, was it that painful..? "She's crying because of you Y/N, doesn't that make you feel pity? Shame? Sadness? Slowly feeling being a monster? Hmm?" I just remained silent as I look away from the screen, guilt slowly eating me from inside. The woman softly sighs as her eyes turned back to normal, floating down at me, bringing my chin up to look into her eyes.

     "Do not cry little mortal, yes I dispise what you did but there is still time to fix all of this dearie, you are not a bad human being, you wouldn't have earned the savior title if you were.." "How the fuck can I fix all of this huge mess..?" "Listen to your heart, what does it tell you? Your love for her grows more and more, everyday.. Quit hunting for other fox girls right now, go back and stay by her side.. make her happy Y/N, I'll give you another chance, now to spice things up.." she closed her eyes as she clenched her fist, before punching my face hard, knocking the hell out of me.

     I quickly opened my eyes as pain conquered my face, mainly my left eye as I grunt in pain "Was.. was all of that a dream..?" I stand up as I hold my eye out of pain, my vision was also quite fuzzy as I couldn't see much at all. I begin to walk back to the car as fast as I could, I didn't wanted to stick around here anymore. As I was walking I suddenly got tackled on the ground as I landed harshly on the ground, making me grunting even more in pain.

     "Finally got you! Where is she huh?!" The voice was male, as I felt two punches on the back of the head making me dizzy, but that also done it. I rolled on my left as I managed to stand up, with the male on my back "Get.. off me!" I demanded as I drived him into a tree, making him scream and let me go. I turn around as I saw that the male was a kitsune too, struggling to get up "Calm your tails down dammit! What are you even talking about?!".

     "You and your stupid organization! Hunting our kind! You degenerate fucks!" "If I was hunting for them you wouldn't have been still alive right now.. I'm new to this whole shit and besides I won't do it any further, my eye hurts like hell.." "So that's why you have a black eye huh? I want my sister back though!" "I can't get your sister back dude! And relax the organization just want to study about you kitsunes and understand your behaving" I saw anger in his eyes but managed to calm himself down from striking.

     "STUDY us?! They use us as frogs in biology classes! You have no idea the fuck they do to us idiot! They even experiment on us.." "Okay Okay I get it.. I see the fuck I can do alright?! Keep attacking me and you will end up in there too fucking hell!" I sigh deeply before walking away and out of the forest, spotting Joseph car. I stepped inside the car and B/F/N was sleeping, I shake her awake and she was startled by me "What the fuck happened to your damn eye?!" "Doesn't matter, just get us home. Also I quit from doing this shit".

                                                                                    ---*Time skip*---

     "Are you sure Y/N..? You can earn some bonus money.." "I already told you B/F/N, I'm done!" She nods and sighs, before driving away. I turn around to be greeted by my house, I walked up to it and opened the door peeking around "Where is that little puff.." I noticed that the TV was on, so I stepped inside and walked behind the couch the see the fluff herself laying on it, her knees close to her chest as she was watching a romantic show, typical Hariko..

     I leaned and patted her head, only for her to get startled as she jumped off the couch, getting into a defensive position "Hey.. it's me, calm down.." she still was in her defensive state as she eyed me down, slowly calming down as she looked at my black eye "What happened to you?" She finally spoke as I grew more tense, I wasn't like this around her before.. "I fell and hit my eye against a rock-" she grasped my arm with a tight grip, staring right into my eyes "Quit the bullcrap with me, I can sense you're lying, that looks like a legit punch! Tell me!".

     Why is she caring towards me after what I've done..? "..It is a punch, but don't worry about me.. you are the worrying situation here, I pulled your tails harshly.. why do you still care?" She sighs deeply as a pack of ice came into the room floating, as Hariko pushed me into the couch "Are you stupid Y/N? You are the one who gave me a second chance in life.. you had your reasons of pulling my tails.. I acted like a bitch.. but I feared that you would be mad at me and leave me all alone.." she still had some tear stains.. she placed the ice pack on my face and I flinch from the sudden cold "Y/N.." she leaned closer to me, looking into my eyes "I care about you, just because you are my savior" she closed her eyes as she pecked my lips "You already know this but, I really do love you, Y/N".

---*To be continued*---

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