Chapter 78

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---*Third Person's POV*---

     Y/N, the man who just wanted to build a fence because he's paranoid around thieves breaking into his house, the man who has started the first ever kitsune girl harem even though Begato has no feelings for him that involves romance, she just sees him as the best friend she could've hoped for, of course there's still B/F/N too but now that she moved out she won't be able to spend as much time with her as she could, Y/N slowly opened his eyes as his head spins to the left and right all dizzy, having absolutely no clue what happened.

     Wanting to stand up he realized he couldn't move his body at all, only his head to look around. Panic quickly rose in his body and tried his hard to wiggle in his place but to no avail, the ropes that were all around his body were extremely tight making him unable to wiggle, only thing he could do really was breathe and that's it. While studying his surroundings he began to have a sharp headache, and soon enough a small trail of blood slowly leaking down his forehead, indicating that he was indeed hit with something quite hard against the head.

     Trying to shrug away the pain he bear with the idea that he got kidnapped by God knows who he looked around for any way possible to escape, he was in an empty dark room, a lantern or something made some white light around the chair, barely enough to see himself and the chair but nothing else. Opening his mouth to speak he soon realized he couldn't move his lips since he had a tape over his mouth, yes very original indeed, he was so preoccupied with panic and small bits of confusion that he didn't even realize that his mouth was taped in.

      Having no clue what to do, except for trying to find that light source and somehow break it in order to make a fire to burn the ropes and eventually break free with a small degree burns on the arms, he just stood there still thinking about what even happened in the first place with him. The night before after he clearly remembers the fact that he was drinking some fine beer alongside with Begato because they were somewhat celebrating the rise of the concrete panels and how they manage to put two panels all by themselves.

    Afterwards Y/N who was JUST a little bit drunk decided to go for a adventure where no man has put foot and dared to fight against the mighty beast of ceramic, that beast was the toilet, and his will to take a simple wee. On his way to the upstairs bathroom since Begato was feeling sick and from time to time puked a little bit in the bathroom that was in the first floor, he somehow managed to trip on the staircase and hit his head against the stair, thank God it wasn't a harsh fall or a temple hit otherwise the priest would've sang to Y/N by now.

     That explains why at this very moment he has blood leaking from his head down his face, but it doesn't explains why he's there. Anyway back to the previous night, after countless attempts and curses of fighting with the God of stairs and also the power to control his legs he finally managed to reach on the second floor, before he went to the bathroom he looked around his house and was amazed by it "Man is this where my wife cheats me on? man we have a cool house!" do you mean wife or wives?

     Having a relevation to where he was living with the corner of the eye he did saw something lurking in the dark outside the window on the neighbor's roof, but he just thought it was the shade of a tree and went on with his manly business that is not to transform his bathroom into a school's boys bathroom. Meanwhile downstairs, Begato was walking out from the bathroom and looked around for Y/N "Buddy I think we should call.. it a n.. night.." she looked at the living room and she saw how trashed up the room was, something similar to what Hariko saw when she came back from her past memories trip.

     Begato having a small urge to run and never look back to this place simply just steps back inside the bathroom and lock it, upon turning to look to herself at the mirror she instantly got smacked across the head by a shadow, or at least that's what she managed to see. Falling down on the floor she hold her head in pain as she tried to escape from the bathroom.. too bad that she locked it, sensing that something grabbed into her tail she quickly got lifted up and thrown into a wall as a cry of pain came from Begato.. her face showed pure pain as she looked up at what seemed to be a man "Your judgement day has come" he says before knocking the fox out.

     Upstairs with Y/N he was just finishing his business as he flushed the toiled, reaching out to open the door he remembered something "Wesh... hand wesh.. yes I am a gentleman for doing such a thing!" turning on the sink he simply started washing his hands, what did you expect? him calculating the speed of the water and the force volume that will hit his hands in order to have the best hand washing experience? while doing his thing the door bust right open as like he was not drunk anymore he quickly looked to his left only to be met with a punch across the face, sending him baackwards to fall into bathtub.

     Grunting a little from pain upon hitting his back in the tub, he looked at who thought was a thief and nowhere close to Hariko's father, the enemy lunged himself towards Y/N but our boy quickly rose up from the tub and kicked the intruder in the stomach, stunning him a little bit. That was enough time for Y/N to react though as he grabbed him by the shoulders before diving him into the mirror, making the intruder flinch in pain. However before Y/N could've done anything else though he quickly got overpowered by the intruder who grabbed both of his wrists, before staring into his eyes "Not going to lie, she has chosen you well, but your actions are unforgivable" and with that leaving Y/N without a right to reply he also got knocked the fuck out all the way into the afterlife.

     And that's how Y/N ended up in this basement! pretty neat huh? though he was a little bit alarmed at the fact that Begato was nowhere to be seen.. though that was his second priority to worry about, his main priority was to escape from the ropes and his imprisonment. After a short while of thinking about ways that made no sense to escape some loudly horrifying creacks came from his left as a small light like a sun ray followed inside the dark room, before it quickly closed back as the light disappeared. He was 100% sane and not the other way around as he could hear some slight steps taking place all around him, thanks to the faint echo he couldn't really figure it out.

     Not long after a pair of eyes came from the darkness making Y/N's soul, heart, vital organs. future children..? past life shake within him from the sudden pop up and fear, a laugh filled the room before a punch meets with Y/N's jaw, sending his head flopping into the right "You ignorant fool, how does it feel for the tables to get turned around? you forgot one crucial thing, I always come back" another punch.. this time a loud crack is heard.. "I will fucking torture you for what you've done to me, to my wife, no worries you will still have a very nice use for me..".

     Setting Y/N in his place again a orange to red glow appeared in the darkness, as well as some heat starting to rise up near the two. Gulping Y/N embraced for the worst and boy it was bad.. the man puts the hot as lava object on Y/N's chest making him scream in agony, tears overflowing his eyes, the sound of flesh being literally cooked, the dire smell filing the room... the insane laughter entering Y/N's ears from the man "You will be a great bait for that bitch of a daughter of mine.. I will continue what I started.. I will make my clients feel that ROYAL TOUCH!" seems like he forgot that one client's words about Hariko being a Goddess and eventually overpowering him and well.. who knows what will happen to his body.. until then Y/N is in for a huge show..

---*To be continued*---

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