Chapter 32

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                                                                  ---*Your POV*---

     Slowly turning to my left I open my eyes as I see myself in my bedroom, Hariko was nowhere to be found so with a bit of struggle because of the tiredness I sat up and walked towards the bathroom. Upon entering I wash my face with cold water and look into the mirror, the black eye was still there but it wasn't as ugly as it was yesterday, to be honest I don't even know how I got my black eye in the first place.. with a soft sigh I dry my face and walked downstairs.

     Reaching the living room I spotted Hariko on the couch as the TV played some soft music that filled almost the entire house. Looking at Hariko she was looking through her phone, I decided to headpat her head and that earned me a soft giggle from her "Good morning there sleepyhead~ how was your sleep?" She looks up at me with a soft smile, giving me even more confusion than before "Are we.. you know.. even..?" She just nods her head, handing me her phone "We never broke the even thing.. and, I've found a job list for you!".

     Looking through the list I eventually hand her back the phone, sitting next to her "So.. where did you got that phone?" "I got it from a woman that trained me in that weird realm.. and what job will you pick?" "Why do I need to get another job?" "Have you forgotten that your workplace burned down? And what's wrong Y/N? You are acting a bit too weird, it isn't about the whole thing with the tails right?" I look away from her as the memory replayed in my head, guilt growing inside of me, Hariko sighs deeply before saying "I can't believe that's what bothers you and not the kiss..".

     I blush a little as she started giggling loudly, tackling me into a hug "Come on snap out of it! I already told you that I forgave you! We are alright believe me!" I smile a little and hug her back, her tails slowly wagging back and forth happily "So Y/N, I have a question.. why do you love me?" "If I took you in that doesn't mean-" "Oh stop lying you big lovable doofus! I can Read your thoughts remember? Hehe.. tell me! Why do ya love me?" Her head slowly rested on my lap, making things even more awkward "..Fluffs Hariko, Fluffs".

     She laughs a little as her palm touches my cheek, looking with love in my eyes "You know I do have fluffs and ears that are soft.. but.. I have something even more softer riiight here~" as I said that her chest started jiggling making me a tomato sauce mess, this makes her laugh her lungs out but eventually stopped, looking once more at me "Can you please stop for crying out loud..? And can I test the softness?" "Oh you perv! ..who am I to say no though?" She started lifting her shirt up but I stopped her.

     Giggling some more she sat up and yawns a little "Are you hungry by the way? I can snatch you some good food with a very special ingredient~" her chest jiggles again.. I sigh as I remember the huge amount of teasing that came from her "Breast milk huh.. don't you produce milk when you are pregnant or something like that?" She was taken by surprise as her eyes widen up a bit, before smirking and tackling me on the couch, pinning me, she's surprisingly strong.. that or I just gave in "I totally forgot about that little factor.. oh my so clumsy of me.. care to help me out to make a perfect breakfast?~".

    She smiles and leans closely to my face, this position was extremely awkward and I can't control the chains any further.. "You are such a cutie when it comes to stuff like this.. and your blushing face.. I cannot stand it~" her soft and hot breathes were heating up my cheeks even more, she leaned to kiss me but stopped suddenly as her face turned a bit pinkish "Something is.. Y/N..?" "G-Get off me.. just.. just.. please just get off..".

     She sat up, still fucking sitting on it, is she teasing me..? Out of annoyance I push her off me and landed on her back, giggling "Oh my Goddess that is-" "Shut up! Or.. .., just stop with all the teasing already dammit!" She sighed and sat up, smiling some more as she was thinking about other ways to break me, maybe "Okay fine that's enough for today.. but I do wanna get some quality time together and not in the bedroom, oh and I want that beard shaved.. the other beard too.. hehe.. do you wanna watch a movie after breakfast?".

     I think for a while and eventually agreed, I don't have anything else to do anyway.. "How about right now?" She looks at me before grabbing the remote "Fine then! But after that you eat and look for a job! I'll help you find it- oh and we need to go shopping too! I don't really have any of my belongings here now.. do I? So much stuff to do! But money.. I'll get a job too!" I like that she's not so scared of people no more but.. those jackasses from that organization are still on the hunt..

     Rubbing her head I stood up and turned off the light, letting natural one coming from outside the house through the window. I decided to not close the curtains because it would ruin the mood a little, besides light is good for our health, next I decided to go into the kitchen and grab ourselves some snacks. I grab a bowl and put it on the counter as I picked up some popcorn to microwave it "Y/N? You coming yet? Been doing this for fourty minutes!' That fucking fox..

     Eventually I stepped inside the living room once again, I place the bowl on the coffee table, making Hariko happy as she gave me a smile. I sat on the couch again and she instantly leaned into me with her head placed on my shoulder, her ear tickling my neck a little. She picked an action/fantasy genre movie which I couldn't say I dislike but it wasn't my favorite either "This movie is recent.. so we'll have fun.. oh and it's mature too.. hehe~" she suddenly started sniffing me as I find it extremely weird but she just sticks her tongue out at me "You smell really nice~".

     Twenty minutes into the movie and it was no fucking action yet.. so much for watching movies. I decided to be the one in control for once as I grab Hariko by the waist as I laid on my back, pulling her on top of me "Finally having the guts huh..?" She smiles at me and cuddles into my chest, wrapping her arms tightly around my chest and tangling her legs with mine "I love these moments Y/N.. I love it when you are in control~ it makes me feel safe.." I wrap my arms around her as her tails wrapped around our bodies, I give her a quick kiss on the forehead and we started watching the movie again, a blanket appearing out of the blue on top of us, I'm starting to love her magical powers..

---*Meanwhile at the B/F/N's father's company - B/F/N's POV*---

"What do you mean he quit?" "He just quit! I tried to change his mind but he just wouldn't agree! So I just left!" My dad slammed his palms on the desk hard, making me shiver with fear "This is the last time you fail me.. this is why I never wanted a daughter but a SON! You can't get anything right!" I wanted to speak but my voice wouldn't come out.. I felt the tears running down my cheeks, if only mom would've heard him.. he would be dead by now.. "Well then guess you cannot change the mind of stupidity, you mentioned a fox girl in his posses?" My eyes wide open as I thought about the worst scenarios, Y/N's finally having a chance of happiness.. I won't take that away from him.

"No I haven't.. what are you on about..?" At that moment he stood up at threw the desk at me, luckily I moved out of the way in order to not get crushed, he pulled out a gun and pointed it right at me "H-How can you point that at me?!" "Answer the fucking question, truthfully!" He pulled the trigger as the bullet barely missed my face, showing me he has the guts to fucking KILL ME "F-Fine! There is one kitsune at his place! That's all I fucking know!" "Was it that hard to cooperate dear? Of course it was, NOW FUCK OFF OUT MY OFFICE!" With sped up steps I was outside within a blink of an eye, I just cannot believe all of this shit.. how cruel can he be?! And why does he want so many kitsunes?! Want to put them up for adoption? Such a liar you are, father..

---*To be continued*---

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