Chapter 11

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          *Your POV*

     Hariko was really mad at me for some reason and it is the first time when I see her mad, the reason it's obvious and by now, the pain really started to dry the energy out of me "Y/N.. do you want me to support you? you barely walk" I shook my head but she sighs and puts my arm around her "Come on.. at least let me help you, I'm the one who caused pain to you after all" due to the pain I couldn't even talk anymore, the pain is too severe for me to handle.. maybe that's how Hariko felt that night? "I can't believe how much pain I caused you.. you must go to a hospital Y/N, this is not okay" I shook my head but she put her index finger on my lips "As I said.. I'm not taking no as an answer.."

          *Time skip*

     We arrive at home after what seemed like years and I sit on the couch a bit dizzy "How are you feeling Y/N?" I look at her and just stared into her eyes "Got it.. you're feeling horrible" she puts her hand on my forehead and sighs "You burning up.. how about this.. we don't go to the hospital.. but you get a rest? that's not a smart idea but still.. how far is the hospital by the way?" "3 KM away from here" "God your voice is raspy.. alright, how about you eat something real quick and then head to bed?" I shook my head and she sighs "Can't blame you.. just head to bed alright?" I stand up and I felt like my stomach just burst open, with struggles I reach for my bedroom door and head inside "God.. freaking damn it.. after a sleep I will feel better.. at least I hope so" I lay on the bed and I doubt that I can even sleep with this pain.

     I don't even know how to feel about Hariko.. I mean she punched me in the guts causing me this severe pain.. but she tries to help me feel better.. I'd say I'm angry at her but at t he same time I'm grateful that she's here to help me.. if I was alone I would most probably sleep outside like a homeless man "I should punish you Hariko for this.. but my heart wouldn't allow it.." suddenly the door opens revealing the fox, she had sleep shorts on her along with a top "Why are you looking at me like that Y/N?" is she going to do what I think she will? can't she sleep on the couch? I mean.. I don't really mind but I doubt that I can sleep with her next to me "No need to get shy Y/N.. I'm not gonna bite you or anything" she climbs on the bed and I could feel my face heat up, she looks at me and tilted her head like a curious fox "You remember when you stood all night by my side? rubbed my belly to help me fall asleep? I'm gonna return the favor"

     I look at her confused "Are you gonna rub my belly.. or what?" she laughs and lays next to me "No silly head.. remember the reward I promised you?" I nod my head "I planned something else for the reward but.. I guess this works perfectly fine" "..Your reward is to sleep with me?" "As I said.. this wasn't really my reward but guess you got lucky huh?" her tail wiggled and I didn't know what to say, isn't she feeling uncomfortable? is she really going to sleep with me only to lure my pain away? "You know.. it's been so long since I've slept with someone in the same bed, but don't worry.. I'll take care of your pain" she sits up and patted on her lap "As I said.. no need to be shy Y/N" I gulp and look at her lap, I can't believe she's doing this..

     I rest my head on her lap and not gonna lie, it was more comfier than the pillow itself "I can feel your body tensing up, just relax Y/N.. not gonna harm you or anything" I look up at her only to blush, a bit of her face was covered by her chest.. at least she has a pretty one right? for god's sake's I said I should freaking stop with these stuff "My face is right here Y/N, not where are your eyes looking" "S-Sorry.." she giggles and plays with my hair "I forgive you for that, after all you are a boy.. what do you say? do you like my chest~?" I didn't knew Hariko liked to mock me that way.. I look away from her face and she giggles even more "Come on! I like teasing you so give me something better than just looking away" "How about we take a look to your.." she softly pulls my hair and giggles "Okay now you're just being a pervert~ you're not allowed to see these kind of stuff you know? you're underage.." "How am I underage.. I'm 20.." "For me you aren't, after all you rest on my lap don't you?" I sit up from her lap but she pulls be back "You are gonna rest on my lap until you're sick of it, now.. enough joking around, how do you feel?" 

     I sigh and looked up at her "I feel.. relaxed" "Does your belly still hurts?" "A little.." "In that case.." she pulls me off her lap and stands up "Good night" she reaches for the door and sigh "Please.. don't go.. you really did manage to calm my pain a little.." she laughs loudly and looks at me "Oh my.. someone's attached to me.. that's no good" I could feel the pain kicking in.. and it's weird because when I was on her lap I almost didn't felt any pain, she lays on the bed and once again looks at me "How much I love teasing you, come on.. let's sleep" I lay my head on the pillow and Hariko looks at me with a smile "Don't get addicted to sleep together Y/N, I'm doing this because of your condition.. you may wake up in your sleep and lay on the bed helpless while the pain literally kills you from inside, so I want to make sure you're okay" "..Why are you so nice..?" "Because I care about you, you treated my wounds so how about I pay you back for that?"

     I smile and I reach out for her head and pet it, Hariko's face turned into complete cuteness as her tail wiggled like crazy, I swear this is a dog disguised as a fox "O-Okay! enough with the headpats!" she pulls my hand away and looks at me "Not gonna lie though.. that was nice" "Now I know your weakness" she rolls her eyes "Alright.. since I can see from your face that you're in pain.. it's time for drastic moves" I look confused at her as she reaches to hug me "Do not squirm or anything, do that and the pain will be more severe" she pulls me closer to her chest and my eyes wide open as I was literally a few inches from her chest, I could feel her chin resting on my head and my brain panicked like a war just started "How's the view?" she laughs as her tail rested on my cheek.. the fluff.. is resting.. on my damn face! Hariko really wants to make me feel better huh? well.. except for the mocking part "You are so lucky Y/N.. got a good view.. my tail is resting on your body.. me hugging you close.. just hope you will feel better tomorrow" she covers us with the blanket and a big smile appeared on my face, I just can't believe what Hariko did just to make me feel better.. I close my eyes as darkness conquered my body.

          *To be continued..*


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