Chapter 21

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           *Your POV*

     After hours of driving and basically hours wasted of my life I could finally step out the car and take a fresh breath, we arrived at Joseph's place and for the love of God his neighborhood is a rich one.. guess B/F/N's a gold digger huh "You 2 wait right here, they're very aggressive to strangers" reminds me of my lovely neighborhood, Joseph steps inside his house while B/F/N expression turns into a worried one "Come on B/F/N, they're fine so don't worry" she turns to me and sighs "Hope you're right Y/N.. but could you please tell me what happened to you?" "Uh.. nothing happened to me..? I am the happiest person in this state" "Never mind then.. you won't tell me anyway"

     What does she means by that? except for the tummy aches that can kill me any second from my existence nothing else happened.. well.. not gonna talk about how Hariko managed to crack my heart "So now that our trip is over, what are you gonna do? visit other countries?" "What am I to you Y/N? a rich queen? even though I love travelling around it's quite expensive.." oh really? I bet you have some hidden stash somewhere "Anyhow.. if I will travel I think France will be the first country, but how about you? what are you going to do?" "To be honest.. I don't know, I thought about moving out from my home because of the neighborhood, but I haven't thought about anything else"

     She thinks for a while and suddenly claps her hands "So you want to move out? I know the best place for you, it's a bit far from here but it's quite nice there" I think I should ask B/F/N for help or advice or.. whatever, because she knows every single thing in this world "Alright.. how expensive is it?" "The one who is going to cry isn't your wallet, you're gonna cry" Okay..? why am I going to cry though? because of the view or what? hell if I can understand this woman sometimes "How much money do you have Y/N?" "Enough to take care of myself" she gives me a glare and I sigh "Around 6.220$" she reaches for her phone and immediately smiles after "Well well well, you're in luck boy, the house is only 6.000$" say what now?

     You're telling me that I will have 220$ left? the hell am I supposed to do with it? god dammit I need to find a job that pays quite well "Don't worry Y/N, I have a job for you there too" is she.. is she reading my mind or something? "But I don't want to spoil the surprise for you so you'll have to wait.. I suggest you start packing" start packing what..? I mean my belongings are already packed, oh well.. guess I can pack some more things "Tell you what.. since this is going to take ages I assume how about you go back home and.. do other stuff? I'll call you when we have to do some.. business" once she finished I started walking towards the car thinking about that new house "Huh.. hopefully I can have peace there"

          *Hariko's POV*

     I have no idea where the hell I am but it was beautiful, everything was so colorful and full of life but what am I supposed to do here? the voice doesn't ring in my head anymore "So.. this is my new home now?" after I let the person guide me my vision went blank again, but shortly went back to normal after only to see myself in here "Alright can you come out now please? perhaps I'm dreaming right now.." I sit on the grass as my hair flutters in the wind, this feels like I'm just in a place on earth but yet.. it feels totally different "Am I.. dead?"

     Suddenly I felt a pair of hands touching my shoulders and it was enough to freeze me "You're not dead child, you're just confused" I turned behind as I saw a woman looking at me with a warm smile "Are you.. the voice?" "That is correct little one.. or should I say.. rookie?" she laughs softly before she reveals her 1.. 2.. 7 tails "So your time has come to train and do not worry, I am here to guide you on the right path.. showing you the right steps" she laughs again before sitting next to me "You have a lot of questions Hariko and I will answer them, but remember.. you have to be patient"

     To be honest I expected her to be more.. severe and not nice at all, or maybe she's acting like that because I'm complete clueless? "Am I really a God?" "A God? no, A Goddess? yes, can you feel some.. shocks going through your veins?" "Now that you mention it.. I kinda do sometimes" "Then there you have it then, these shocks represents your powers and I have to warn you though, if you can't control them it may hurt.. a lot" I don't like the sound of that.. "What are my powers?" She pokes my chest, where my heart is and looks at me "You have to find them yourself child, all I can do is to train you the basic, intermediate and advanced magic, from there on, it's up to your hands"

     Magic? come on don't be silly now.. magic doesn't exist "That hurts me Hariko.." I look at her confused, what does she means by that..? wait a minute.. "Can you read minds?!" "Of course silly, magic is indeed very real" she snaps her fingers as some blue fire orbs appears, circling around us "W-Wha..?" "This Hariko.. is what I call fox fire, you can use it in so many ways that the options are almost endless" and I am supposed to do that? huh.. quite amazed to be honest "Also you can do this" she stands up and just stares at me "You like standing still?" slowly, her feet breaks the contact with the ground as she makes her way up in the sky "..How?"

     "This is floating Hariko, at first it's scary but then.. it's very relaxing~" she spins in the air leaving me a confused fox, this is unreal.. "There's so much things you can do with magic.. like funny stuff, getting out of unpleasant situations, summoning.. things, making things disappear and appear.. even teleport" that sounds like fun, I could troll Y/N all day long and never get bored of it, even though I don't think I will see him again.. "Also.. the tricks I said are a master tier, the teleport is an legendary tier so you can dream of teleport until you reach of having.. around 5 tails" "What's the deal with the tails? if you have more tails you're more powerful?" "I will explain that too.. but for now.. let's start training shall we?"

          *To be continued* 

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