Chapter 24

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          *Hariko's POV*

     I've been training for quite a while now and to be honest I kinda grew to like it, I mean using magic is pretty cool even though it drains my energy.. still, it's very nice to use it "Miss? can I please take a break? if I continue training I will literally shut down" she laughs lightly as she continues to float in the air "I don't think you're a computer dear.. anyhow, you may have a rest, after all you've been training all the time" by now I could control my fox fire? I think that's what it's called and I can do so many tricks with it, like lighting up the entire forest..  I think I am a pyromaniac after all.. 

     Another spell I learned is telekinesis and it's the best spell so far, however.. I can only move objects that has at least 15 LBS, the woman who's floating in the air can move over 180 LBS and it's quite hard to believe "How can I move heavier objects? I only can move small things.." "Patience is required Hariko, how much can you lift with your strength?" "Around.. 60 LBS?" "Why do men go to the gym? to train their strength, with more strength you can lift more and more, of course lifting does have a limit.. but in this case, it's not about your psychical strength my dear Hariko"

     I raise an eyebrow at her and with a blink of an eye she was next to me, not gonna lie she scared me a bit too much.. "This.. this is your target dear" she places her hand on my head "So I control things with my mind..?" "Exactly Hariko, this is what you need to train" "And how can I do that..?" "Meditation is the answer" how in the world would that freaking help me? I'm just gonna sit on the floor and stay there? why does it have to be so complicated.. "I know you don't like to struggle.. but as I said, meditate for at least 2 hours per day and soon, you will be able to move heavier objects"

     She proceeds to float again and I wonder how it feels, I mean.. isn't it scary? "Could you teach me to float? or fly?" "These 2 things you know already, fox fire and telekinesis.. they're very easy to learn, you learned them in almost 2 weeks but.. floating is going to take at least 2 years" wait what? how the hell does it takes so much? well.. if I do think about it.. "Floating it's very complicated, not only to explain but to do it too" "How do you manage to float though?" "I just empty my mind.. relax.. and fall on my back, then I just float into the air.. do not even think about trying it now" "Alright fine.." a chocolate bar appears in my hand and my tummy instantly began to growl.

     I take a small bite and it tasted a bit.. weird but I'll go with it "Everyone has different styles of floating, like you could just jump in the air and float.. and so many more" "So.. after my break what are we gonna do?" "Well, most likely you'll have to meditate for 6 hours and then you could start jumping from roof to roof" why..? it is going to increase my jump height or something? "And you're going to climb a that mountain" "What mountain..?" she points at a direction and begins to laugh a little "That mountain" "You're very funny.."

          *Your POV*

     After I unpack everything I had and put them in their places, I went to explore my surroundings and oh man.. everything was so nice that you could stare at it for at least 30 minutes "I think I will go insane all alone here.." by now I was on my way to my new lovely job that I will work on for at least 35 years or something like that, life is really beautiful isn't it? "I really want Hariko back, I swear I'm going to search the entire world for her.. that's over exaggerated but still.. I just want the fluff ball back" not only that she was the few persons that cared deeply about me.. but she also managed to warm my cold heart.. however to warmness's slowly fading away.

     I enter inside the building and I was instantly greeted by someone that I wasn't expecting at all "Hello there sir, good to see that you finally arrived" the person was female and.. had a fox tail along with ears, she reminds me so much of Hariko.. "Uh.. tail? ears? why?" "What? you never saw a fox woman before?" I actually seen one if you don't mind.. why do you look so much like freaking Hariko?! "Anyhow boy, come here~ I will guide you on your first day alrighty? by the way.. I'm the manager around here so you better understand the procedures and work hard~"

          *Time skip*

     I swear to God I have no idea what I'm doing here and what the hell is going on, this woman explained so much stuff that school didn't in 12 years that my brain is literally breaking down, so much information and I can't store it because this darn woman speaks too fast, speaks too much stuff and I can't process! dear God.. "So, did you got the general idea? of how everything works and what you have to do in general?" yeah.. totally.. I'm going to be the best engineer around these parts ma'am "A bit, some things are confusing but I think I can handle it.." "We'll see about that.."

     She placed a thingy on my shirt and I look confused at her "That's for being an employee here.. do not worry it's not gonna harm ya" alright.. strange if you ask me but who cares "Oh yeah.. if something weird happens do not hesitate to tell me, some employees reported a strange creature around here.. so if you see it tell me about it okay?" I just nod my head as she smiles warmly at me, she proceeds to walk off and I sigh "What in the world does she mean by that.." so.. I guess this is my life now? working.. come home.. eat.. sleep and repeat, life sure is fun sometimes.

          *To be continued*

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