Part 1- Chapter three.

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"She can't be that bad." Peter said as we sat in the café near the window. "Isobel was fine when I spoke to her."

"Really?" My heart ached slightly, did she have a thing for him? Isobel didn't seem like someone who could learn to love.

"Yeah, but it might have been because Harry was giving her moon eyes...if you get what I mean."

"Moon eyes? I've never heard of that before." I took a sip of my coffee.

"Oh, it goes a bit like this." He lifted his hands to his eyelids then stretched them so they were literally as big as the moon. Maybe even bigger. I tried to keep the coffee in my mouth instead of laughing. "You like that?" He began to laugh with me.

"I'd like it if I wasn't choking on coffee." I grinned. "So Isobel and Harry, huh?"

"Or maybe it was me she was making moon eyes at me." My mouth made an 'o' shape and my heart began to ache even more, like someone was trying to pull it out of my chest. You're not winning any awards, Peter. "Hey, hey, I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

"Oh my god. Maybe that's why she asked where your dorm was!"

"No! Emmy! It's Harry-"

"I never mentioned that you and Harry shared a dorm." I said more to myself than him. His hands grabbed mine and rubbed his thumbs along my fingers softly.

"You know that I would never cheat on you, right?" I nodded.

Peter was loyal. I knew that. "Good. Now let's get back to the dorm building

before it gets dark out here. I'm going out tonight to do my 'thing' so I probably won't be in tomorrow."

"Okay, stay safe. I don't want to have to spend the summer break alone." I smiled and stood up then walked out...feeling someone's eyes on me from across the road.

I continued to walk down the path, ignoring the feeling. Until a black van pulled up beside me and a person, whose face was covered by a red bandanna, jumped out of the driver's seat in front of me.

My scream was stuck in my throat and replaced with a metal taste. Blood. A burning sensation filled me- especially my leg. My face hit the floor in pain and I

managed to catch a look at their gleaming, icy eyes with their pinkish cut above the brow. Darkness surrounded me as I realised what had happened. I had been stabbed.


Isabella's P.O.V~

This had to be the worst thing ever. I was 24 years old and repeating university! Actually I don't know if I did ever go to university since that whole amnesia thing but I'm pretty sure I did. "How long will this last?" I asked Nick Fury with my arms folded.

"As long as it has to. That girl is in danger and it is your duty to protect her."

"Why me? Who's even out to get her?"

"I'll let you know when you have too." He walked around the silver circular table, watching all CCTV. "Update me."

"She knows her new art teacher- who is a total bitch may I add- from when she modelled. Her boyfriend is Peter Parker-"

"Spider boy?"

"Spiderman, actually, but yeah." I strode over to the CCTV footage he was watching. It was in the hallway of ESU. Specifically in front of Emily's. "Who is that?"

A person in a black hoodie stood outside holding a shiny object in their right hand. Looking closer at it I could see it was a knife. His hands dripped with blood. "What...?"

"His been doing this for a week, every night. He just stands in front of the door for about an hour before leaving."

"This is the threat? You can't be serious. It's just a dumb teenager messing around-" A woman wearing a black office suit ran in to the


"It's the girl. She's been hurt."

"By who!?" Nick yelled. "Bring me the location and footage. Isabella,

you better get your ass there, NOW!" I rolled my eyes but pushed past the woman to the exit.


Emily's P.O.V~

When I woke up I felt a slight pain in my leg. However, I was in my bed instead of in the middle of the street outside the café. Voices spoke in the distance, Isobel and Harry sat on the couch, each looking worried. Of course, Peter wasn't here. He was out there, saving lives. "I need some chocolate." I groaned before they each jumped up and ran towards the bed.

"Hey, hey. Are you okay? I'm so sorry. Peter shouldn't of let you walk out alone like that. It was so stupid." Harry rushed.

"I've felt better but seriously, I'm fine."

"Probably because Izzy patched you up. She's the one who found you." I looked past Harry towards Isobel who just smiled sadly like she knew what pain I had been in.

"Honestly, I thought you were dead until I heard you groaning for help." She muttered. "You should leave for now, Harry. She needs space."

The boy smiled at me- grateful I wasn't dead- before hesitantly leaving. "Thank you." I said through the silence. "Thank you for saving me."

The girls brown eyes looked into mine, "I couldn't let you die." Her voice was barely above a mutter.

"Why not?"

"Because I know what it feels like. And it's horrible. Now get some sleep." That was all she said. It was only a few words but it sounded so heart breaking. Suddenly- within a blink- she was out of the room.

Leaving me wondering who exactly Isobel Dimer was, and why she was here.

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