Part 1- Chapter six.

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It was round about 6pm when I left the park and around 7:30pm when I was about to cross the road to my university building. Only then had I noticed that nights had been getting colder. My back tingled, just like it does whenever I have the feelings someone's watching me. God, Peter what have you done to me with your 'always be home before dark' warnings. Better to be safe than sorry, I thought before I spun on my heel, my face almost hitting someone's leather jacket.

"Woah, there." A familiar voice said as they balanced me. "You okay?"

I nodded. "Harry! Where the hell have you been? Why haven't you come back?"

The red in his face was gone yet his eyes were somewhat deeper and darker than what they were before, he had a crooked grin etched onto his face, reminding me of the boys I used to see whilst I lived in California one time for a month. "That's not important. I just wanted to apologize for my yelling last night."

I blinked. Seriously? That's all he had to say. "Harry, that was around two days ago. That was, like, Tuesday. It's Friday now!"

It was his turn to blink. After seven seconds of drawn eyebrows, he shook his head. "Uh, yeah. That's what I meant. Sorry, I just...haven't caught up yet."

I sighed. "It's okay. I'm heading back to the dorms, you can walk with me. Peter's missed you." He continued to shake his head as I tugged his hand.

"Harry, come on." I tried until eventually he softly pushed me off.

"No! Okay? No!" His sleeve had pulled back. Under the streetlight, his skin looked shiny, like there were...were those scales? I must have been staring too long because he growled and pulled his sleeve down, roughly. Harry breathed hard for ten seconds. "I just...I need time."

Speechless, I nodded and watched powerlessly as he walked away from me. Where was Harry? And who the hell was that guy?


As usual, when I walked in I was bombarded with questions via Isobel. "Where were you?" She stared at me, lifting her from the sofa.

"I was walking home." I replied, grabbing a soda from the fridge. "There was no need to wait around for me."

She scoffed, "Yeah because that's what I'm doing."

"What does that mean?" I questioned, my eyes narrowing.

Isobel sighed before walking away towards the window, "Nothing." My eyes continued to watch her whilst she pulled the curtain back and grabbed her bag.

"Where are you going?"

"Out. Just lock the door and let no one in, even if it's Peter and Harry."

"I wouldn't worry about Harry being here." She froze in the doorway and I took a small sip of my soda.

"And why is that?" Isobel asked. Yeah, for once I know stuff you don't, sucker.

"I don't actually know. I bumped into him outside, he was really...weird. His dad's death is taking a larger effect than what I thought it would."

Isobel continued to look at the carpet for a minute before talking. "Yeah, don't let anyone in. Especially him. I don't need you getting stabbed and bleeding out everywhere again."

And with that, she closed the door. Leaving me to wonder her whereabouts and, after a while, lock the door.

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